Chapter Six

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"No way," she laughs, throwing her head back and covering her mouth with her hand, muffling the sound.

I want to tell her to remove her hand. I want to witness the full effect of her laughter, from her crinkling eyes to her wide smile. If it's half as beautiful as it sounds, then it's worth the view.

I have been talking for half an hour and I can't remember when last I heard the sound of my voice for this long. It's refreshing.

And she's actually listening. I didn't think I had the words to get someone like her to listen, to be invested, and even laugh. It's already the best day I have had in a while and it's barely midday. I am talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

"No seriously, I literarily just walked in. My first day on the job and the only thing he could ask on meeting me was what I was mixed with," I continue as she cracks up.

As I'm narrating my first meeting with Mr. Briggs, the memories come flooding back to me, and I realize I haven't shared them with anyone.

"That's so inappropriate," she shakes her head.

"After I replied, he told me I could be passing and no one would know."

I wanted to ask him why I would want to do that but I needed the job, so I kept my smart mouth to myself. Maybe that's why I got to keep the job that I was clearly not qualified for.

"So tell me, what's your first impression of me?"

I pause. The question catches me off guard. Why would she want to know what I thought of her? To be honest, I thought she was an angel. She popped up unexpectedly, glowing with a heavenly radiance, and then she offered me the one thing I needed.

"I thought you were a nice person, and still think you are." I simply put.

Scarlett bursts into laughter, this time not covering her mouth. As I imagined, it's beautiful.

"If you tell anyone that knows me that I'm nice, they will think you are full of bullshit." 

"Well, you are nice to me."

"Only to you Audrey," She smiles. "Only to you," She whispers.

The rest of the day was a blur. The only thing that mattered about the day and I will never forget was, seeing her laugh and it was beautiful.


"Late night?" I ask, putting my lunch in a paper bag.

"Yeah," I watch a shirtless Tripp lazily walk into the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator and gives it a quick scan before he looks up at me, "No milk?"

"I will go grocery shopping when I get out of work today."

"No worries, I will do it before I leave this afternoon."

"What time did you get back yesterday?"

I tried to stay up yesterday night, waiting for him but I ended up falling asleep. I heard him come in but I was too lazy to get up.

Back then, no matter the time he arrived, I would sit up in anticipation, listening for the sound of his voice as he recounted his day. Then we will have dinner together. Now, I need to consider the fact that I have to get to work early.

"By 3, I guess."

I walk out of the kitchen and see my bag resting on the couch, exactly where I left it. "You should get some sleep. The sandwich on the counter is breakfast."

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