Chapter Ten

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I have never been this excited to resume work in my life. I literarily clocked in an hour early.

I told Tripp we are busy at the office,   I needed an excuse to leave the house. Tripp and I fought last weekend, and even though he's apologized to there's this feeling lingering in the air. Like it's one of many fights to come.

I am nervously waiting for her. At this point, I don't think my nerves will calm when it comes to Scarlett. She makes my heart beat so hard and I have no idea what's going on but I love it.

I love that she wants to get to know me even though I'm not the most interesting person to look at or even have a conversation with.

it's just easy having a conversation with her. I can't wait to hear about her weekend.

But then there's this fear in the back of my head about who I'll meet today. Bossy Scarlett from days back who wouldn't even look me in the face when giving instructions or, the one I had drinks with last week.

I never can tell with this woman, she's complex.

I hear the door open, and, my eyes immediately follow the sound. Scarlett walks in and my heart rate is off the roof. My palms are already sweaty and all I could do is smile as she approaches me in her silk white shirt and purple pantsuit.

Damn, she looks good.

"Go-good morning," I manage to greet.

"Good morning, Audrey." She leans on my table. My eyes catch her cleavage from the opened buttons of her shirt. I immediately look up at her, with my cheeks heated up.

I feel this weird urge to look at it again.

She has this mischievous smile like she knows. She knows I am fighting the urge. Well, she is smiling, so I am relieved it's not bossy Scarlett. But if I am being honest, Bossy Scarlett was hotter, if that's even possible.

Focus, Audrey

"How was your weekend with your sister, Audrey?" My name rolls off her tongue, so smoothly.

Why does she always have to call my name like that?

She remembers what I told her about my sister. She was listening. To be honest, a part of me thought she was just humoring me.

"She –"

I get interrupted by the sound of a voice behind Scarlett.

"Scarlett," The deep voice calls.

Scarlett freezes for a second. I can see the flash of surprise –and I think anger- on her face which she immediately turns into a smile. She stands upright and turns around.

"Nick?" She calls out in this high-pitched voice I don't recognize.

My eyes move to the incredibly handsome man by the door, approaching Scarlett. He is dressed in a blue suit that's probably worth more than I own in this life. The brown-haired man looks so clean.

"Have been calling?" He says, bringing her in for a kiss.

I feel this squeeze in my chest for some reason. I look away. He must be her boyfriend or something.

"Well, I have been busy."

"Too busy to tell me you moved to New York?"

I hear Scarlett sigh. Changing the topic, "This is my assistant, Audrey." She snakes her body out of his arms and walks to my table.

He looks at me for a second and nods, and then his eyes are back on Scarlett. He looks mad.

"And this is Nick," Scarlett says without including the title of his relationship with her.

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