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 Kathy's POV 

"Thank you. Now let's go get you and your sons bags, correction our son, you guys are moving in with me"
"What! Now!? I still need to pack my things" I mumble but I know he heard me. He lifts his right eyebrow in response.
"Kathy, I don't think you have had time to unpack today"
"Okay, Fine, let's go". He chuckles. We walk to the pack house and it is mostly empty as most members have had their dinner with only a few members remaining to clean up. I notice that Bernice is one of the people cleaning and I wave at her, once she notices me, she gives me friendly smile and waves back. We head upstairs to my flat to get my son and bags, once we enter, I leave Michael in the company of my mother after informing her of my plans to live with him and proceed along the small corridor to the room on my left to check on my son whom I find sleeping, I decide not to wake him this time and carry him it out of the room, I enter the living room and Michael stands from the couch and walks towards me.
"Everything ready" he asks
"Yes, our bags are in the bedrooms"
"Okay, I will tell David to bring them to our house, I can carry him" he offers opening his arms.

"No its fine". After I say goodbye to my mother, We leave the pack house and head back to the cabin.
Once I tuck in my son in his new room, We eat a late dinner consisting of egg salad sandwiches since we didn't have time to eat at the pack house, he then gives me a quick tour of the house. We head to his, 'our' bedroom. The room is beautiful with deep red colored stone walls, large Queen size bed and black covers.
"I am going to take a shower" I say as I grab my suitcase which was brought by David and head to the bathroom. After my shower, I open my suitcase to find something to wear, I forgo the lace nightdress or any of my night wear that show too much skin. I am beginning to feel self-conscious, doubts slowly feel my mind, what if I am not sexy enough. I am older than him. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, oh my goddess, I have wrinkles around my eyes. My breasts have sagged, there perky days are over, I see the faded stretch marks on my stomach I turn from side to side, well am still curvy but let's face it. I am not young anymore while his got the great body, I have the ageing body. I close my eyes, slap my cheeks and take a deep breathe trying to rid myself of the negative thoughts. I grab a large dark blue t-shirt and grey sweat pants and put them on, I open the door to enter the bedroom and see my mate standing near the edge of the bed wearing nothing but loose shorts, with the sexy six pack on display being illuminated by the lamp on his side of the bed, holy mother of...
" Kathy, are you okay?"
"Huh" I say as I stare into his blue orbs.
"Are you okay? He asks again as he walks up to me. I jump a foot in the air when I notice our proximity.
"I... I Uh am fine...fine" I say with a nervous chuckle "Just need sleep, I am really tired, it's been a really long day" I yawn, and head to the bed and start fluffing my pillow "well goodnight" entering the sheets, I cover myself to my ears as I face the wall on my side of the bed, I hear a light chuckle and Michael turns to walk to his side of the bed to enter the covers. I know I am acting immature but my nerves won't let me think straight.
"Goodnight Kathy ". He says and turns off the light. I try to keep myself from temptation 'his body' by moving as far away as possible from him, moving closer to the edge of the bed, any closer and I will face plant the wooden floor. I hear him release a deep sigh, I close my eyes and focus my hearing on the steady beating of his heart that lures me to sleep.
I feel something stir beneath me, I can hear a heartbeat, I can feel the steady rise and fall of the chest am sleeping on. My eyes open slowly and I blink a couple of times to get rid of the sleep, I notice tan skin, a chin, his chin, I lift my head to look back and forth and notice that my entire body is laying on top of him with his left hand draped across my waist. I look through an opening through the curtain and notice that it is morning. How did I end up in this position? He stirs again, his eyes open and he smiles " good morning beautiful " he says.
"How did you sleep?" he asks
"Good, you?"
"Good" he answers. Why are we so awkward? We are soon interrupted by the sound of a door opening and little feet in the hallway.

I remove Michael's hand from around my waist and quickly head to the door and open it. My son turns his head to the sound of the door opening , once he sees me, he comes crushing into me and I hold him tight.
"Good morning my love, how are you?"
"Am fine, mummy where are we? He asks as he removes his head from my neck to look at me.
"We are in our new home, we will be staying here now" I say just as Michael enters the hallway.
"You remember Alpha Michael honey, my son nodes his head. "We will be staying with him from now on"
"Yes, we will stay together and am hoping we can be friends" Michael says as kneels down next to us and offers his hand to my son. My little one takes his hand and places it in his and shakes it while Michael shakes back with a big smile on his face.

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