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Michael's POV

"You know, we are really bad at communicating" Kathy giggles with a sniff, running my fingers through her hair as she lays half of her body on top of mine, her cheek on my chest. After we spent about an hour crying, I felt calmer, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, like the invisible barrier keeping us apart had been shattered.
"It's true, we really need to work on that especially since the last time we argued over the same thing" she says.
"I know, am sorry". I never even got a chance to make it up to her. Stupid rogues.
"Am sorry too, for everything" she says looking into my eyes with her chin on my chest. Oh I have missed this. "I know beautiful, let's make a promise never to hide anything from each other, we will tell each other everything, promise?"
"I promise" she says beaming "I promise to keep this promise, I love you Michael and am..."
"No, enough of the sorrys, what is past should stay in the past, I believe I asked you to dinner before, well before the arguing and crying, so will you go out on a date with me? If, that's what you want"
"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you" She looks better, livelier, different from the Kathy of a few hours ago.
"Goodnight beautiful" I say, cupping her cheek to touch my lips with hers. What is meant to be a small peck on the lips turns into a full make out session, I have been starved for too long.
"We need to get some sleep" Kathy says breathless.
"Yes, Goodnight" with one last peck to her lips, I drift into slumber.

I am awakened to the smell of bacon. It's been a while since Kathy cooked, I am happy that she is going back to her old self. After a quick shower, I walk out the door and head to the living room where I find Vincent watching television and I decide to sit with him. A few minutes later, Kathy pops her head out of the kitchen telling us that breakfast is ready.
"I was thinking that we could have a family day this afternoon" today is Saturday and I do not have pending work at the office except for training with warriors.
"I think that's a great idea, we could go to the mall in the human town" Kathy says
"Do you think it's a great idea?" I ask my son who has a mouth full of eggs and simply nods his head in agreement.
"It's settled then, I will pick you guys up after fours hours, training should be done by then."

Training goes on without a hitch and after four hours, I pick up my family and we drive to the human town where we spend the afternoon shopping, well, Kathy shops while my son and I follow her around like lost sheeps. We also eat to our hearts content and after hours of frolicking, I drive us back to the pack house.
Kathy and I decide to postpone our dinner to a later date, it wouldn't make sense to drive back to the human town. Besides, we are exhausted, we instead spend the rest of the day in our living room watching movies with our son. It's a day well spent.

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