11. Water

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A/N: Some ForthBeam moments at Lipsi

"The weather is nice, there are two handsome men in my restaurant, what can be better?" The elderly woman chuckled while she walked up to take their orders.

"You are beautiful today too." Forth complimented her.

The elderly woman laughed. But it was true though. She had a natural beauty. Wisps of silver hair that was not tucked into her bandana was brushed back by the ocean breeze. She smiled with more than her mouth. They heard it in her voice, in her choice of words and the way she was relaxed. It was beautiful.

"Aren't you such a sweet talker? Make sure to hold on to him tight. A good looking man who is sincere and sweet is rare. He is a keeper." She told Beam.

Beam laughed. He winked at her. "Will do ma'am. Even if he goes to the end of the world, I will find him."

Forth rubbed the back of his nape shyly. Coughing, he tried to change the subject. "Do you have any recommendations?"

"A must try is our octopus! It is great with a glass of Ouzo." The elderly woman gave a chef's kiss.

"We will take the octopus then. Two bottles of Ouzo, fish and chips as well as crab pasta." Beam said. He glanced at Forth, silently asking if the order was alright. It was when Forth nodded that Beam smiled happily.


Looking at the octopus splayed out in front of him, Forth timidly pushed the plate towards Beam.

"Here Beam, you can have it." Forth smiled thinly.

Beam laughed. "The great Forth is scared of octopuses?"

"Just look at the countless white suckers, and the legs are still moving!" Forth poked the octopus with his fork. When the octopus moved, he flinched. Backing away, he nearly fell off his chair.

Beam cut a piece of the octopus leg. "Here, one bite."

Forth's eyebrows furrowed while he stared at the small wriggling piece on Beam's fork.

"I will grant you a wish if you eat it."

Forth smirked. "Really? You better not back out."

"I won't." After Beam promised, Forth ate it, grimacing when he felt the sucker stick to his mouth.

Beam laughed. He took a sneak picture and saved it as his wallpaper.

That is cute.


"When you said a wish, I didn't think you would mean this!" Beam peered down the cliff, crystal blue water below.

"You promised. And it would be fun!" Forth took off his shirt and shorts. Folding his clothes neatly, he placed them on the edge of the cliff.

His muscles flexed while he folded his clothes, his tan skin glistening under the sun.

Beam gulped, looking away. Now is not the time to be drooling over Forth. You have more concerns at hand. Like jumping off a cliff into the ocean.

"Here I go!"

Forth jumped, doing a spin before diving beautifully into the water.

He swam up to the surface, swiping his wet hair back. He let out his gummy smile. "The water is really nice! Come on!"

Seeing Beam hesitate, Forth stretched out his arms.

"I will make sure you will be alright Beam."

Beam felt his heart pound harder after hearing those words. Maybe it was because of the heat? The fear? Or...

Scared of where his mind was going, Beam shut his eyes tightly and jumped into the water with a splash.

Once Beam swam up to the surface, he laughed. It was terrifying yet exhilarating. The rush of adrenaline still hasn't died down.

Forth swam up to him. "What do you think?"

"You are crazy."  Beam laughed, his stone grey eyes sparkling.

"And you love it." Forth replied, not realising he said the 'L' word. When he realised, he started panicking. Beam gazed at Forth, finding Forth endearing.

"Maybe I do." Beam smiled. Before Forth could process Beam's words, Beam captured Forth's lips.

Forth smiled against the kiss. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss.

He slipped his hand underneath Beam's boxers. Cupping Beam's ass, he massaged it. With how Beam was wriggling his ass teasingly, he would have given a smack but they were in the water.

"Such a tease..." Forth whispered. He inserted his fingers into Beam's entrance. Two can play at that game.

"Ahh~" A moan escaped Beam's parted lips upon the sudden intrusion. He could feel Forth's warm fingers and the cold water.

"And you are such a beast..." Beam replied back, his grey eyes shining mischievously.

Forth was dazed for a moment. In that moment, Beam looked so gorgeous.

His porcelain fair skin glistened under the sunlight. Water droplets dripped from his jet black hair, sliding past his collar bone to the pink buds.

But what made Forth spellbound was Beam's eyes.

Beam, being a bodyguard, he was always on the lookout. His eyes were cold, closed off, withdrawn.

However, in that moment, his eyes had that look of birds flying on sunlit days, the shine and quick movement, yet relaxed, purposeful, at ease.

"Hey, don't tell me you grew soft. Are you-" Beam's lips were captured by Forth. Beam could tell the kiss was more than lust and desire. There was something else. He couldn't tell what it was, but he liked it.

Forth slowly led Beam to a cove underneath the cliff. Laying Beam against the smooth flat rocks, he inserted another finger.

"You can feel how 'soft' I am." Forth smirked. After he felt that Beam was prepared enough, he plunged his length into Beam's entrance.

"F-fuck!" Beam's toes curled when Forth pulled out his length till the tip only to thrust back inside fully.

The water slowed down their movements and required them to exert more energy. However, it allowed Beam to feel Forth more. The water acted as a natural lubricant, allowing him to take in Forth deeper. He could feel the warmth that radiated off Forth, a pleasant contrast to the cool water that pooled around his legs.

Forth growled when Beam started to move his hips. Beam moaning his name only fuelled his desires.

"You are going to drive me even more crazy..."

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