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Mew gently caressed the 'pillow' beneath him, enjoying the warmth emanated. He didn't open his eyes, soaking in the peaceful moment. This was all he could ever want, without any care in the world, being with his love.

Feeling a pair of lips press against his forehead, Mew opened his eyes. He was pleasantly greeted by the sight of Gulf in glasses, reading his iPad, topless.

Mew sat up and hugged Gulf closer. Although he enjoys the view, he wants his sexy lover's attention on him. Gulf turned and chuckled at how spoiled his lover was acting. Setting aside his iPad and glasses, he leaned in to kiss Mew.


Gulf mumbles as he gently kissed Mew. Mew stole the mint that Gulf was eating, the two kissing till the mint dissolved.

"What a good way to wake up to in the morning." Mew pulled Gulf closer till Gulf was sitting on his lap, Mew's erection pressed against the plump ass cheeks.  He nibbled on Gulf's ear, hand rubbing on Gulf's soft belly.

Gulf chuckled. "Such a simple thing makes you so happy." He moved his ass to grind down on Mew's erection, clearly feeling how 'happy' Mew was.

Mew frowned slightly. Turning Gulf around, Gulf now straddled Mew's thighs. "Because it is with you."

Mew caressed Gulf's cheek, his gaze softening when Gulf leaned into his touch.

"When you asked me to be your boyfriend, I said yes. Even though I was scared to be in a relationship again, I took the step because it was you. You are an amazing father, sweet, respectful, charming, hot. I couldn't lose the chance of being with you because of my fear.

And when I heard that you got into an accident, all I could think about was you.

I was probably never ever that scared in my life. Because I never lost something or someone that I couldn't live without. The thought of losing you, permanently, made me want to scream. And that was just the beginning. The thought of you no longer being in my life made it worse. If that was even possible.

I love all of you, the you as a father, the you as someone who seeks to protect his family, the you as you, no matter how broken you perceive yourself to be.

And I hope to be able to be part of that... to be the person who walks beside you for the rest of our lives, to be a father to Bright and also Win if you plan to adopt him."

Mew tentatively said the last few sentences. Will Gulf think that he was too presumptuous to want to fill the role as his future husband and the children's father? He didn't even know if Gulf was planning on adopting Win.

Feeling Gulf move off him, Mew's face blanched white. I shouldn't have said so much and spoiled the moment. Why must you fuck this up?

However, his train of thoughts stopped upon feeling a pair of lips kiss him, claiming him ferociously. Gulf pulled away and looked at him with tear filled eyes. His eyes shone, in the shape of crescent moons. His smile was so bright that it made Mew's heart flutter.

"God I love you so much." Gulf held up one of Mew's hands and kissed his ring finger.

"Yes, we will marry one day.

Yes, I plan to adopt Win but I wanted to discuss with you first since you will be my future partner. I am glad that we have the same thoughts.

And yes, you will officially be part of our family as the children's father. You will sit with us at the dining table for meals everyday. You will help me prevent Bright from ruining the kitchen. You will accompany us on family trips. You will read bedtime stories to the kids with me."

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