|Chapter 5|

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His head flew to the left as one of the security guards from our Mafia hit him straight in to the jaw.

"I'll ask again. Who. Sent. You!" I yelled at him as the guard stepped back.

"You stupid bitch! You think I'll tell you?!" After he yelled at me he spit on my shoes.

"Wrong answer buddy..."

I motioned to the two guards outside to come inside and join the third one. They entered and stood by the wall. All three of them have their hands behind their back and are waiting for my order.

"Do it." I said to them and walked out.

As the door closed behind me I could hear screaming. I smiled as I made my way upstairs from the cells in the basement.

All morning I've been tortureing these idiots that tried to ambush Lisa and I a couple of days ago. But fuckers don't want to speak about who send them. I left my guards to continue and try to get some information from them.

It was currently 2 pm and everyone is going crazy because tonight is the ball. Four times I almost knocked someone out because they ran by me and scared the living shit out of me.

I made my way upstairs and in to my room only to see over excited Lisa jumping up and down and miserable Xander who is laying on my bed like a star fish.

"What are you two doing in my room?" I asked as I stepped in. When they heard me enter, Lisa literally ran two meters towards me while Xan looked at me with pleading eyes that are saying 'save me from her!'.

I turned my gaze back to Lisa and gave her a questioning look.

"We're going shopping!" She screamed at me while, again, jumping up and down.

I sighted. "We literally went shopping a few days ago for the dresses and suit."

"Not dresses and suit. This time she wants to go shopping for jewelry." I heard Xander mumble.

I widened my eyes as I looked at Lisa. "Hell to the no! We already have jewelry! We don't need new ones." I tried to put some sense in to her.

I really just want to lay around and watch Netflix all day until we have to go.

She gave me a stern look that said 'try me bitch'. I sighted and slowly nodded my head.

And that's how we are here. In a security room in the mall. Watching the tape of us, speeding in between stores while security guards were chasing us, while we were dieing of laughter.

"What the hell were you thinking!" I heard Ros yell at us when the door busted open and he walked in. Red from anger.

Let me explain what happened.

Flash back ~

We were currently in Prada store, looking for necklaces for me and Lisa while Xander was somewhere looking at watches.

"Vic, look! This is so cute!" Lisa said as she came to me and showed me some necklace with a little gun hanging on the silver chain. It really does look cute.

"Look at this." I said as I showed her what I found. It was a pair of earrings that were also pistol shaped.

We went around the store and looked some more. Until we heard yelling and three pair of footsteps running in front of the store. I looked at Lisa puzzled only to see her looking at me the same way. We made our way to the entrance of the store to see what the hell is going on. Only to see Xander running from two security guards in our direction.

"Xander! What. The. Hell. Are you doing?!" I yelled at him as I stepped out of the store.

"Vic, no!" Lisa yelled as she tried too grab my arm and stop me from exiting the store.

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