|Chapter 16|

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Lisa, Xander and I are currently walking towards the meeting room where the rest of the Mafia and Ros are.

"Do you guys have any idea what he wants to talk about?" Lisa asked as we were walking.

"No idea." Me and Xander replied at the same time.

We approached the door that separates the meeting room and the rest of the house. I walked in first and Xander and Lisa behind me.

We sit in our normal seats; me on Ros's right while he sits at the head of the table, Xander on his left and Lisa on my right.

When we sat down we looked at Ros, waiting for him to start the meeting.

"There is a ball coming up. Lisa, Victoria and Xander will go with me, like usual, while the rest of you will be here and make sure we don't get attacked."

We all agreed. We discussed the ball and some more meetings we will have. After about an hour we were done. We all stood up and made our way outside.

As soon as we stepped out of the room Xander and I were pulled by Lisa in the way of her room.

As we passed the hallways and rooms on our way people gave us weird looks because she was literally dragging us by the back of our shirts.

When she came to her room she opened the door and dropped us in. Like, she really dropped us on the floor.

I heard Xan groan from under me as I landed on top of him. I quickly sat up, still on top of him.

"You good?" I asked when he stopped groaning. He looked at me and then how we are on the floor before his eyes got that mischief in them.

"Мне нравится эта поза, детка, но Лиза сейчас в комнате. Мы можем продолжить позже."

Translation ~ |I love this position, baby, but Lisa is in the room right now. We can continue later.|

I just now noticed that, as I sat up, both my legs went to his sides and my hands were on his chest.

I could feel my cheeks reddening. I scrambled off of him and stood up. He chuckled before standing up himself.

"Are you two gonna try any more poses or can we watch a movie now?" Lisa asked with amusement in her voice.

"I get to choose!" I yelled and ran towards her couch and TV to choose a movie. I could hear the two idiots laughing behind me as I read towards the TV. I chosed Rapunzel because Xan never watched it.

We made some popcorn for us and got ourselves drinks before getting comfortable on her couch with blankets and pillows all around us.

"I want a pet lizard." Xander said half way  into the movie. Lisa and I looked at him before replying at the same time.

"Who didn't want a pet lizard when watching this movie?"

We all looked at each other before we burst out laughing. We relaxed again and continued watching the movie.

Some time through the movie Xan would make some stupid ass comment and Lisa and I would reply with sarcasm because that's our second language.

When the movie ended I turned off the TV and looked towards Lisa and Xander, only to see them sleeping on the couch.

I stood up from the couch and stretched myself before I started to pick up trash that we left.

When everything was cleaned I dragged Lisa to her bed and tucked her in. Then I made my way back to the couch and laid Xander on it. I found some blankets and pillows for him so I tucked him in also.

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