"you should sleep with me"

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"mom you didn't tell me. who is she ?"

"baby she is your-your wife " Mrs. Kim replied looking at me, feeling guilty about the whole situation.

"wife?... It means I am his husband?" He questioned again.

"yes son"

"like you and dad?" he asked, looking at his mother with wide, curious eyes.

"yes, son. like me and your father"

"It means she will stay with me always together just like you and dad do ?" he asked again.

"yes tae always. now no more questions you need rest baby " his mother said, excusing herself from his Q&A session.

he made a little pout and then started playing with his Rubik cube happily.

Even though I already knew all these things but hearing this from his mom's mouth. Made me realise that now i have to live like this only. I have never expected that my wedding life gonna be like this.




"wow, mom it is so tasty. you cook the best food" taehyung chimed eating his food kept in front of him, messily.

Mrs. Kim smiled and said caressing his head "but baby from tomorrow your wife will cook for you "

"like you do for dad?" Comparing himself again with his dad, he asked.

"yes baby"

"but does she know cooking?" he said slowly lowering his head.

"yes. I know " I said giving him a sweet smile.

"Really?" his face brighten.

"yes. and I will cook whatever you want me to" i said "but tomorrow. for now you need to sleep"

"all of my favorite food?" He asked again.

"all of your favorite food"

"thank you so much, wifey" he said happily.

And I froze hearing what he called me. 'wifey' i wasn't expecting this. Knowing, he himself does not know what he was saying, i didn't thought about it much and asked him "Should we sleep now ?"

"yess. good night mom, good night dad" he wished his parents hugging them and ran towards his room.

"Be careful," I said.

I was about to go behind him but stopped when I heard Mrs. Kim's voice "y/n, thank you for taking his care and not leaving him alone in this condition," she said.

"mom, please don't say this. he is my husband now and this my duty as a wife to take proper care of him" I hugged her. His parents were so worried for him and I could not let them be more worried.




I entered in his room where he was sitting on his bed playing games on his mobile phone. Going to his side, I took it from his hand "you are supposed to sleep, Mr. Kim" I said keeping that phone on that nightstand.

"Please I don't want to sleep. I want to play games" he said making a sad face.

"Okay then, take it back" I gave it back to him and said, "but then I won't be making any of your favorite food for you tomorrow".

he left it immediately with a cute pout on his face. Is he really a 27 years old man?! "now get up you need to take a bath you are stinking " I said covering my nose with my palm. His eyes widened and he cutely asked "really ?"

"yes, really" I went towards the wardrobe and took out his clothes and gave it to him "now go and be careful. don't let the water touch your bandages, okay ?" he nodded and went inside the washroom.

I started arranging the bed properly and kept his medicines on the nightstand. After sometime I heard his voice "y/niee"

I turned around and saw he is standing there in sweatpants which I just gave him and an unbuttoned shirt, which was giving full view of his toned abs.


"it is not happing" he pointed towards his shirt.

It was new to me. I never went this close to any man before. But having no option left, I took few steps to his side  and started buttoning his shirt. And I could feel, all this time he was staring at me.

Buttoning up his shirt I remembered of the medicine he gad to eat but I knew he would not eat it easily so I asked "tae, do you want to eat chocolate ?"

"you will give me?" he asked with bright eyes.

I nodded my head "I will give you but on one condition" he looked at me with full concentration and I continued "you will have your medicine first"

"no," he said and went towards the bed with a pouting face.

I grabbed a chocolate from my bag because I always carry some. and sat in front of him

"okay. if you don't want to eat it, I will have it " I said and was about to open it when he stopped me "okay I will eat my medicine but only one "



"done" I smiled and brought his medicine and a glass of water from the nightstand. he ate it and cried a bit "it's so bitter " and I immediately gave him the chocolate which he had happily.

"Now it's time to sleep," I said tugging him inside the blanket and soon he felt asleep. He was looking so innocent. I caressed his hair and said, "good night my big baby"

I took my clothes and went inside the washroom for a shower.

when I came back I saw tae staring at the ceiling as if he was thinking something serious. I asked, "why are you not sleeping, tae?"

he looked at me and asked, " where were you?"

"I was taking a shower and you should sleep now it's already late," I said and he nodded. I went towards the couch and was about to lie down when he asked "y/niee, why are you not sleeping on the bed with me?"

"umm ... because you will be uncomfortable-"

"you are my wife. so you should sleep with me. like mom-dad" though he was stating fact I was hesitating in doing so. I slowly went towards the bed and he started shifting making space for me giving me a sweet smile.

"good night y/niee "

"good night my baby bear "

I was about to drift into sleep when I felt him wrapping his arm around my waist and snuggling his head in my neck. making me feel the way that I should not.


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