heavy rain

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"tae, wake up," I said opening the curtains.

"noo" he hid his face under the duvet.

"rise and shine, Mr. Kim," I said caressing his hair but he wasn't ready to wake up "no please I want to sleep more" he said hiding himself completely into duvet.

I tried convincing him by asking "don't you wanna eat pancakes then?"

"I want," he answered immediately in his morning voice which the way more deep than his original tone.

"If you want, then take a shower and I will prepare pancakes for you" I said and bopped his cute nose.

"But I want you to feed me," he said sitting on the bed and rubbing his eyes.

"but tae, I have so much work" I explained

"then I won't eat " he crossed his arms on his chest, huffing his mouth. Totally behaving like a kid.

"ok baby bear, I will feed you , don't be angry. now go and take a shower" I agreed because I had no choice.I gave him his clothes and he carried himself to the washroom.

After sometime he came out of the bathroom and I buttoned up his shirt. I could feel his gaze on me while I was doing this. then he suddenly shook his head splattering water from his wet hair on me. "Hey, don't do this" I protested

and he started doing it again while leaning a bit more toward me. I covered my head and face with my forearm and said again "stop it, tae " then he stopped and started giggling. 'thoes giggles, oh my heart'

then I did his hair. made him pancakes and fed him myself which I promised because I didn't want him to starve.




I was doing my office work on my laptop sitting on the couch with tae sitting beside me, playing with his toys.

"y/niee " he called me cutely.

"yes?" I replied, continuing my work.

" you said that you will buy me a transformer toy today" ok I completely forgot about it.

"yes tae, I did. but it's raining outside so I couldn't go" I excused. It was right though.

"But I want to play with it" he sulked.

"Let the rain stop first, then I will bring it to you. I promise " I offered.

"no, I want it now" he whined. do I really have to go in the rain. what if I got sick. who would take care of this big baby right here?

but again I had no option.

I went in the kitchen. I came back with a tiffin box "I'm going to buy your toy. if you feel hungry that eat your tiffin" I said giving him the tiffin box I just prepared with some snacks and fruits." and don't do anything notorious, okay? I will be back in an hour" he nodded and I left after picking my wallet and car keys.

the rain was kind of slow when I left for market so I didn't bring umbrella with me or more like forget brining it with me. but after purchasing his toy when I came out, the rain increased.

I drove back to the home carefully because the wheather was not good. I reached home and could not find Taehyung there. I checked every single room but he was nowhere to be found. the door was locked from outside that means he was inside the house.

I started panicking then suddenly I thought of



A/N : hey armies how you all are doing? I just wanted to say that upcoming chapters are kind of cutee . So be ready ;)

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