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The next few days felt so brutal. Hours overlapped each other in my head as I waited for any sight of Jett. I would follow my brother and father along anywhere possible, and I would sit, watching cameras in my father's office waiting for his face to light up, or possibly darken the screen.

I only went to Ramiro's place once to train with Oren. He's actually a really caring and patient man. I would mess up constantly, but he wasn't done until I had perfected something.

I also spent time learning how to give someone false interest in me. Apparently the second I focus my energy on someone they will notice me, but it takes a lot more than that to have them fall for me. However, I'm able to make anyone feel false attraction to me now, and that is good enough for what I need to accomplish.

Right now I'm in an empty conference room talking with Vito and a few of his friends. I bragged to them for getting one of two end seats, but they taunted me by leaving the other one open. It's a little refreshing being able to talk so casually. It's like we're at a lunch or something.

I'm not super talkative, so I've been picking some of the dirt out of my nails to pass time.

Their conversation gradually stops. I notice now that the lights have dimmed a little. I turn around, about to tell whoever did that off, but I can't believe my eyes.

Jett Kenward is standing at the door's opening. His clothes are of course all dark and heavy, and his black hair actually surprises me. It is messier than usually seen in pictures.

The man is extremely hot. You can tell he is prestigious and entitled, but I'm definitely attracted to him. His hazel eyes are colder than any man his senior, and I can already see the resemblance to his father.

I'm not aware of what his gift is, though I know the lights dimming was not a coincidence. The switch is still at the very top of the panel. He must be able to dampen any nearby luminosity.

"Hey everyone," he says casually. His voice is a lot calmer than I had originally thought.

He takes the empty seat at the other end of the table, directly across from me. It's not a large table. In fact it only holds six people, but it feels smaller than ever now that I'm this close to him.

The way Vito and the guys talk to him intrigues me. They are friendly, and seemingly familiar with each other.

I take out my small screen to act like I'm responding to a message. Really I'm informing Ramiro and Oren that Jett is here.

"Who is this?" I hear Jett voice.

I look up and see the entire table looking at me.

"My sister Adira. She's interning here while she figures out her gift," Vito answers.

"No luck yet?" Jett asks me.

I shake my head and stay silent.

"Don't worry. It took me months to find out mine," he smiles.

"And what would that be?" I smirk, trying to sound appealing to him.

"Well it is nothing compared to my fathers, but I'm able to eliminate any source of light and grow stronger from it. If I'm not careful I could cause the entire city to go dark," he tells me.

"So that explains why the lights dimmed as you entered," I grin.

The guys all look up, noticing what I did a couple of minutes ago. This just gave Jett and I time to make real eye contact. I tried focusing my energy onto him, but I have no idea if that was successful or not.

"I guess so," Jett replies. I can see in his eyes that he's impressed I picked up on that. He just doesn't want to give me the satisfaction of a yes.

While the guys are still laughing their foolishness off, the lights begin to get even darker. We all look at Jett, but he hasn't moved a muscle. Once they go completely dark, I can barely see them anymore. I notice that even the surrounding ones outside in the halls are gone. It is almost pitch black in here.

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