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I got to hang out with Elise alone yesterday while I had the day off. She told me lively stories of her life back in France. She was an absolute badass. I mean she still is, but she had a different vibe to her back then. She was a criminal. Going undercover to do all of the robbery and work she usually did for a gang got her into witness protection. They relocated her to America for a clean slate. She makes millions at La Pêche, but if she needs money she can steal it with ease.

She also told me about her parents. Her subcategories were harmonious and obviously manipulation. Her mother was gifted a voice fit for the opera, and her father was a blamer. Blamers can convince anyone to take the fall for them, and they will believe they committed the act themselves. She actually told them what her gift was, but of course they didn't support. She was an embarrassment in their eyes, just like me.

I was able to see Noa the day before that as well. I haven't told her about the plan, but I told her about my mentor. She was ecstatic when she found out I actually get to have one. I even told her about my relationship with Jett. She wants to be set up with any of his friends, which I find hilarious. As much as I love her, I felt like I wasn't doing anything important while I was speaking with her. My standards have grown beyond her reach, and I don't know how to tell her the truth. I guess she will find out soon enough though.

I've been sitting in my father's office for a little while now. He is having me touch up on his busy schedule. People pop in and out of here, so it didn't alarm me when the door opened.

"Sorry he's out right now-" I start before finally looking up.

It's Vito. I guess that explains why the entrance was so casual. I sit still and wait for him to say something, because I feel like I'm frozen.

He sighs, "hey."

"Hi..." I respond.

He takes the chair in front of me and relaxes.

"I just needed a break," he explains.

He see's my nod before leaning back with closed eyes. I love him and all but he as to address the elephant in the room. He knows I won't. I've been avoiding him for almost five days.

Just as I start to use the keyboard again, he takes a deep breath and looks at me.

"How did you do it?" he asks.

I look at him, but I don't respond.

"I try you for the first time and you already know how to avoid it. Explain to me why that is Adira," he says before sitting up in the chair.

"I'm not telling you how, otherwise you would find away to get around it."

He lets out a sarcastic chuckle before taking a moment to look around the bright office.

"What do you even plan to do? I know you don't agree with most of the shit that goes on around here, so what after this?"

I don't even understand what he's doing right now. It's not belittling, and it's not intimidating, but maybe it's supposed to unnerve me a little bit.

"Would you hate me if I liked the idea of being a lawyer?" I smile.

He has to think I'm naive about this. If he knows I have plans he will try to figure them out.

"No... but you better be a damn good one," he chuckles.

I don't mind that he won't apologize. I won't be apologizing for what I do in a couple months anyways. We'll be playing this game with each other until then.

The door opening startles us both. It is just father, but gosh I wasn't ready for that.

"Good, you're both here," he smiles.

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