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It's been a few days since you overheard your boyfriend laughing with his friend about you being clingy. He's been been sending you texts each day as if nothing had occurred. You wondered if he even knew anything was wrong. You doubted it. He didn't really seem to care about anything but himself these days.

You had felt a shift in your relationship but you weren't really worried about it. Maybe you should've been. The matching shirts was an attempt to rekindle that spark you used to have but that epically failed and ended up breaking your heart. You should've returned them for a refund instead of throwing them out. How wasteful.

You sighed and leaned against the counter at the cafe you worked at. It's been kinda slow all day which is the opposite of what you needed. Slow meant many thoughts. Slow meant remembering what happened.

"You sigh one more time and you might just blow our customers away." You looked over at your coworker who was cleaning the display case. You've been working with her for a year and she's been such a joy to be around.

"Very funny." You grabbed a rag and joined her. "Why do kids always think they can touch the glass with their sticky unsanitary fingers?" You angrily wiped a spot of grease that looked like a toddler's handprint.

"The same reason why they are able to throw tantrums and get whatever they want." She replied without looking back at you. "Seriously though, are you okay?"

You opened your mouth to tell her what happened but you shut it just as fast. You hated when people pitied you and this definitely was a pitiful situation so you opted for a vague response. "I'm okay, just tired."

"Why didn't you call off?" She stood up and stretched her back. "I could've handled this mean crowd on my own." She gestured to the one customer with her thumb.

You giggled and lightly hit her with the rag. "True but with the way my bank account is set up, I need all the hours I can get."

She nodded like she understood what I meant and walked around the counter to clean some cups. You had just finished wiping down the glass and was admiring your hard work when a familiar voice startled you. "Hey, dove."

You quickly turned around to face him. Your boyfriend. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. You weren't ready to confront him. Not yet.

Once he saw you, his eyes grew wide and he threw you a nervous wave. You gestured to your coworker that you're going to speak to him outside. She nodded and waved you off. "Go for it you lovebirds."

The nickname she had for you once used to make you feel giddy but now filled you with unease. You stepped outside and he followed. "Y/N, is everything okay? I've been trying to contact you for the past three days."

"I've been busy." You couldn't hide the irritation in your voice.

He leaned in to give you a kiss but you turned your head, his lips landing on your cheek instead. You could see the hurt in his eyes but you could care less. "You're acting weird, Y/N. Are you sure everything is okay?"

You looked up at the sky, hands on your hips, and let out a long sigh. Muttering some words of encouragement to yourself, you faced him. "No. Nothing is okay. I heard what you and your friend said about me. Laughing that I was being clingy. Well now you don't have to worry about that."

His posture changed immediately as he took in what you said. "Wait, you heard all of that?"

"Oh I heard. Every single word." Your eyes started to sting indicating that you weren't as strong as you pretending to be.

He blinked. "That was just bullshit. It didn't mean anything. I was just venting. People say things they don't mean when they're frustrated!"

You shook your head. "Uh uh. The truth comes out whenever someone is emotional. I just didn't know that was your truth. You know what the worst part is? Why didn't you just tell me? I'm not even upset at what you said. It's how you chose to say it. Mocking me behind my back? What kind of boyfriend does that?"

You could see the panic in his eyes. "I don't know!" He dragged his hands through his hair and kneeled down to the ground. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"This isn't something that can be fixed with an apology. You broke my heart!" You held your hands up in surrender. "I'm clingy, right?" You took a giant step back from him. "There's your space. We're done. Don't show up here again." You ignored his pleas and went back inside the cafe, praying that you could hold the sob that was trying it's best claw to
its way out of you.

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