I need you

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It's been about two months since the break up and everyday he's been sticking true to his promise about being clingy. He's sent flowers, sung your favourite songs, and even sent you a letter you haven't had the nerve to read yet. He texts you all the time even though you don't really respond. Part of you loved the attention but another part of you couldn't help but think about what his motive could be. Whatever. You pushed the covers off you and stared at the ceiling.

It's Sunday and that means grocery day. You dragged yourself out of bed, threw on whatever outfit was clean, and jumped inside your car. You've put off going grocery shopping for way too long as you only had raisins and a pack of ramen left. The store was only a ten minute drive from your place but you intended to bring back more than you could carry so, driving it was. You parked and walked into the store, grabbing a cart to fill. After 15 minutes, your cart was full. It was mostly healthy if you counted chips as potatoes and ice cream as milk. You quickly paid and left the store, pressing the button on your key to open your trunk.

You had just finished loading the bags into your car when you felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise, as if somebody was staring. You turned and looked around the parking lot until your gaze landed on him. The same guy who was at H/N's house, the one you hated. Once your eyes met his, they narrowed into a glare and he got in his truck and angrily drove off. Weird. You were just about to shake it off when you heard one of the old ladies discussing him. "I heard he got punched by the young man he used to hang around with."

What? H/N hit him? When? Why? Wait. That wasn't your business anymore. You sighed and closed your trunk. You really shouldn't worry about him anymore. You got into your car and drove back home.

A couple of minutes into your drive, it started to rain heavily. You looked through your windshield in confusion as it was sunny just a minute ago. You lowered your speed and drove carefully. The wiper blades couldn't keep up with how strong the rain was coming down so your vision was basically zero.

A truck swerved into your lane and sped ahead of you, causing you to swerve just in time to avoid him. "What an asshole. Who drives like that in the rain!"

The truck slowed down and wait for you to catch up before it swerved again, this time clipping the front of your car which caused your car to spin in circles. You tried to control it with the steering but the tires were slipping in the rain.

You car finally stopped after what felt like an eternity of spinning. You didn't hit anything but it refused to start. The rain finally let up, giving you the ability to see your surroundings. You were on the bridge. Your heart raced even more at what could've been. You turned to your left and saw the truck that almost ran you over in front, the brake lights bright red. Wait a minute. Your eyes squinted as you tried to focus on the truck. That was his truck! The same guy who was staring at you. The reverse lights came on and you realized he planned on hitting your car. Unfortunately the drivers side was facing him so that would be a fatal hit. You attempted to unbuckle yourself but your seatbelt seems to have locked you in. "Oh come on!" You kept tugging on it and pressing the release button. Finally, the seat belt released and you were able to jump out just in time.

You hit the ground hard as you witnessed your car being pushed off the edge of the bridge, into the unforgiving water that ran beneath. You stared in shock as he drove off without a look back. Fuck. Your chest hurt. Your hands hurt. Your knees hurt. You slowly got up and wiped your hand together, ignoring the bits of blood and gravel stuck on your palm.

You patted your pockets for your phone, thankful you didn't throw it in your purse like usual. The screen was cracked but it was still functional. You quickly dialled without looking and held the phone to your ear.


Once you heard his voice, your froze. You had meant to call the police and report what happened but for some reason your hands dialled his number instead.

"Y/N?" He breathed. "Is everything okay?"

The minute he asked you that question, you started to sob. "I need you." You were able to say, hoping it was coherent enough.

"Where are you?" You could hear his keys jingling in the background.

You rattled off where you were and hung up. You looked up at the sky as it started to rain again on you. How fitting.

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