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The house that was once filled with joy, and vehement warm, is now despondent, a week has passed and the trio has changed a lot, or more precisely they went to their old selves that has worsen

Ran who just came back home, immediately went straight to his room, it was messy and dark

"How dull"

He slump to his bed looking at the ceiling with a lifeless eyes

"I miss you"

Agony, a word that filled his dim world, he was about to close his eyes, but someone made a ruckus in the other room, the man was laughing like an idiot, the sound of glass stuttering can be heard, and Ran already knew who it was

"His high again"

Ran didn't bother to give him attention, this isn't the first time, after all, Sanzu has been like this ever since Emiko left, he lost his sanity for he lost the daughter that he cherish the most, soon enough the laughter in the other room stops, and replace with a mournful cry

"E-emiko please c-come back Dada i-is sorry!"the mournful cries turn into a scream of despair

Sanzu took a bottle of pills, and swallowed them, the only time he can see her is in his dreams, where they happily smile at each other as if the world is only spinning for them

Meanwhile Rindou is in the hotel again, spending another night with a girl, he satisfies himself to forget the pain he is feeling, but every time he remembers how Emiko looks at them with misery, he end up raging on the girl who he is with

They thought that what they did was for the best, that Emiko will be happy now, that she is safe, but little did they know she is also suffering mentally and physically

"Geez get it right!"

Emiko received another whack of a stick, she flinch in pain as she struggles to balance the book in her head

"Tsk, I can't believe an ignorant and mannerless like you is an Maosomi"

Emiko is currently being taught on how to behave like a noble, because Maosomi's should be elegant, respectful, flawless and should be perfect

Her tutor abuses her without y/n's knowing, that's because Emiko's very own father hates her, because of her and her mother, his life was ruined so he wanted her to suffer despite that she is his daughter

Emiko can't do anything but to endure the pain she is receiving, this is nothing compare to the one's she had when her three dads turn their back at her

Emiko wears clothes that cover up her bruises, so that y/n won't notice it, Emiko's father and tutor, threatened Emiko that if she ever tells anyone, they'll kill her

"Emiko how's your training"

y/n ask as she hugs her, but Emiko doesn't say anything, y/n looks at her and Emiko's once sparling eyes, is now lifeless, as if she's a doll, y/n is having a second thought if she ever did the right decision

"I'll be sleeping now aunt, I'm tired"

Even her tone changed, it was plain, no emotions are added

"Kristina, did I do the right thing?"

Y/n sigh and went to follow Emiko, when she opened her room, her eyes widened when the tutor was yelling and lecturing Emiko

Y/n immediately went rage and she slapped the tutor, that her eyes widen

"What are you doing?!"
the tutor was speechless, she didn't know what to say, cause she is caught red handed

"How long have you been like this to her"

y/n's tone was cold and her eyes pierce through her like an ice

"Don't make me repeat my words"

The tutor begins to tremble in y/n's saturnine's mood, she may be sweet but she is also dangerous, y/n is someone you shouldn't mess with

"Mr Hishima was the one who ordered me"

"Get out your fired"

Y/n packed Emiko's stuff and they drove away from the Maosomi's Mansion, Emiko didn't even get to meet his grandfather, well, he doesn't even care about her in the first place

"Where are we going?"

Emiko tiredly asked, y/n examine her and she spotted some bruises she tighten her grip in the wheel

"To my house, I shouldn't have brought you there"

After unpacking Emiko's stuff, y/n tuck her in the bed and her vision turn murderous

"Looks like my instincts were right"

She tears their family picture apart, for investigating for years about Kristana's death, she is now certain on who killed her

"How dreadful, I can't believe he could do that to his very own daughter, it was Hishima's fault yet Kristana was the one who got punish"

Y/n left a note in the fridge before leaving, she went to a flower shop, and bought 3 white flowers, she visited her twin's grave

"Did you miss me?"

She asks as she puts the flowers in Kristina's grave, the day y/n lost her sister, she lost half of her life, she lost her light, her happiness, and her comfort, and now that she had her sister's daughter, she cannot take the risk to lost Emiko too, she's not gonna take it anymore

Tears escape through her eyes missing Kristina, her twin was the only person she had when she had no one

"I'm about to do something that will take me to hell, but if it means I will justify your death, then I will, I'll be going now, I'll come here again with Emiko, I love you I hope in the next life, you'll be my sister again"

Y/n went home seeing Emiko eating in the kitchen, she immediately put Emiko in her embrace,Emiko was puzzled but when she saw y/n's depressing eyes, she hug her back with warm

"Did something happen?" Emiko ask softly which made y/n smile

"I just visited your mom, next time let's go together okay" Emiko nodded, y/n kiss her forehead, and they both made dinner

"Auntie, what was mom like?"y/n smile brightly at Emiko which kinda shock her

"Your mom, was the kindest person, she has the sweetest smile that you will see, she's also smart and brave"   y/n continue talking stuff about Kristina

Emiko smiles warmly at how happy y/n talks about her twin, Emiko was also thankful that she get to know something about her mother

"Goodnight, Emiko, have a sweet dream"

Y/n tuck her in kissing her cheeks, Emiko smile at how tender y/n treat her

"You too, auntie"y/n went out and proceeded to her bedroom, meanwhile Emiko silently pray to the God

'Lord, please guide my dadas always, don't let them be sad, even after what they did I still love them, and I'll always will, don't let them be in danger, send your angels to them, and to my auntie y/n too, protect her always, and forgive us for the sins we have committed'

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