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"Good morning everyone!" Izuku came walking into the common room with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning Midoriya, you seem to be in a extra good mood today, kero" Tsu spoke with her finger on her chin per usual.

"Mhm!" The green headed male made his way into the kitchen and took an apple from the bowl. It was now the weekend at the dorms and everyone was either lounging around or out patrolling with their mentor. The male was extremely excited due to the fact he would be seeing the h/c haired female in less than a few days, he was practically bouncing from excitement.


The small noise came from his phone alerting him he had a notification. He took out his hoping for it to be Y/n but was disappointed when it was just a message from Iida.


Midoriya, have you seen
Uraraka? We have a
study session today.

No, haven't seen her
since last night, have you
checked her room?

How stupid of me.
Thank you.



"Yo Midoriya!"

"Good morning Kaminari!"

"Have I told you, you were one of my best friends and I love you so much-"

"No you're not using my motorcycle."

"C'mon man! Help a brother out!"

"Nope, last time I let you use it was dented AND the wheels fell off."

"It was one time!"

Izuku just bit into the red fruit and started walking away.




"Hm~ I don't know, I think you look hot in a corset babe"

"That may be true but my ribs hurt! They tied it WAY too tight!"

"I wonder how you would look in a mini skirt.."

"Who knew you would grow to become such a pervert zuzu~"

"I'm not! It's just for.. my hero analysis notebook"

"What does that have to do with your hero analysis?"

"Just because"

"Hmm. Well stop wondering cause it's not happening"

"Worth a shot"

Incoming call

"Gimme a one second N/n"


Izuku put the female on hold and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Midoriya, where are you?"

"I'm in the dorms? Why?"

"We have training today, remember?"

"Huh? Training isn't till tomorrow"

"No it's today. Aren't you the one who's always on top of things?"

The male checked his calendar and widened his eyes after seeing that training was indeed that day. "Shit! Uh, I'll be here within five minutes."

"If I were you I'd make it three, Bakuhoe is about to go insane"

When the phone hung up Y/n was instantly taken off hold.


"Still here"

"Yeah, I forgot I had training today so I'll try to call you a little later" He told her while changing his clothes.

"Okay, don't force yourself, and make sure to take breaks"

"Okay mom"

"It's mommy to you, amore"

"Yes mommy"

"Mm, that's right."

After a few seconds the two began laughing at each other's silliness.

"But seriously don't overwork yourself "

"I won't. But now I really have to go or Kacchan will have my head"

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too"


Y/n sighed and stretched as she got up from her comfortable position on the bed.

"Oh daughter~" The girl's mom burst into the room with no care in the world.

"Mom it's too early for you to be this loud"

"Sweetheart, it's never too early in this household. Now-" the older woman put her back against the door frame and laid the back of her hand onto her forehead. "-I'm in distress. My energy drained, heart broken-"

"But you have enough energy to burst in my room at seven in the morning-"

"-Shush child, but I just have this craving for some chocolate cake"

"There's still some cake in the fridge."

"Oh, I ate that last night."

"Mama, I love you and all but I'm not making you cake right now."

"HUH? WHY?!"

"Too tired, don't feel like it"


"You're going to wake the other two" Y/n walked over to her dresser and pulled out a simple pair of pants and a t-shirt.

"Fuck those two, I want CaKe"

"Fine, fine"


"May I take a shower now?"

"Of course, of course!"

Just as Y/n was about to walk into the bathroom connected to her room, Lisa poked her head back in the room. "Oh and Y/n?"


"Make sure to have your things packed by tonight, we're leaving the day after tomorrow~"


"Woopies~ well I have to go! Ta ta~"


Fun facts:
Izuku told Y/n about how he got his quirk, just not the details of One for all.

Lisa (Y/n's mom) is very childish but can be very serious at times.

Y/n is kinda uncomfortable around her step dad and brother due to the fact they are still new people in her life.

Sorry it's not as good as you thought it would be and for now on the book will be in second person.


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