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"Nooo! I don't wanna go, I wanna sleep!" You whined as your boyfriend threw you over his shoulder.

"Nope, time for a new schedule."

"I'll still be tired with or without a schedule! Let me down!"

"Now, now Y/n. Don't be so stubborn! Go be productive!" Your mom placed her hands on her face while smiling. You groaned. "Just be back in an hour to get Ant!" She waved as Izuku walked out the door with you.

"We will!" He shouted back. He dropped you on your feet and lifted the seat of his motorcycle to get the spare helmet and hand it to you. You placed the helmet on and got on the black motorcycle behind Izuku.

"Where are we going anyway?" You asked tiredly, snaking your arms around his torso.

"First I gotta return some books back to the library then we're going to get something to eat."

"But I didn't grab my wallet"

"That doesn't matter, I'm paying"

"Are you sure? I can run in and get it."

"I'm sure, besides you're only saying that so you can go back to sleep" He rolled his eyes.

"Damnit." You mumbled and pressed your forhead against his back, when you did, you felt the vibrations of him chucking at your worn out behavior. Izuku started up the motorcycle letting it roar.

"Hold on tight!" He pushed down the visor on his helmet and sped off leaving a burn mark as you both headed to the city.


You and Izuku walked into the busy diner and immediately went over to an nearby empty table where you were given menu's.

You yawned during the time you looked at the menu that was being held in your hand, still feeling sluggish.

"Still tired?"

You nodded your head whilst rubbing your eye to the point you seen colors.

Izuku furrowed his brows then pulled your hand away from your face. "Stop it, you're going to ruin your eyesight."

"I can't help it" Before anything else is said, the waiter walked up to your table with a smile.

"Hello hello! My name is Z and I'll be your waiter for the evening. Have you decided what you'll be having?"

"Uh- yes?" Your boyfriend looked at you for confirmation.


"Okay, um I'll have the katsudon"

"And for the lovely lady?"

"Do you have f/f?"

"Indeed we do."

"I'll have that then"

"Alright and your drinks?"

"Strawberry lemonade please"

"And f/d for me please."

"Okay! I'll be back with your drinks in a moment." The waiter then walked off to the back to place your orders and take care of your drinks.

"Ugh.." You dragged a hand down your face. "It's too early to start a schedule. Why couldn't this wait until next week or something?"

"Just because"

"Oh wow, so there's no other reason?" You asked with a deadpanned expression. "I never had a good sleeping schedule anyway, so why start now?" The waiter came back and set your drinks on the table. "Thank you"

"No problem" He went over to serve another table.

"Now is a good time to start. Not having one is an unhealthy habit"

"You're talking unhealthy habits? May I remind you how many bones you break a month?"

"You think that you're really funny don't you?" Izuku reached over the table and pinched your cheek a little.

"Yes, in fact I do"

After minutes of talking and many bone breaking jokes, the waiter finally came back with your food, and to say you weren't disappointed was an understatement.

You both sat there eating in silence, with you checking your phone every so often. Not even a minute later you heard snickering from the table not far from you, deciding to ignore it you continued eating.

"Oh my gosh, do you see her?"

"She's so... fat"

"How can someone hang around that?"

"Could you two stop being so ignorant?"

"Shut up, you know it's true. I mean look at her!"

You glanced in their direction to see the two females from the other table looking towards you while the male sunk in his seat out of embarrassment. Once again you choose to ignore them, already use to these kinds of things, but Izuku did the exact opposite.

When you looked at him, you seen him glaring at the other table with his chopsticks in a tight grip.

"Izuku, don't pay them any mind."

"Huh? You're just going to let them say those things?"

"Those things stopped affecting me a while ago. So just ignore them."



"...Fine." He went back to eating his katsudon, now in a sour mood. He was going to do as you told, but as they kept talking he grew angrier.

"Hey tubby! Shouldn't you be at the gym?!" One of the girls shouted over to the table. Some people in the diner looked in them, most shocked by the rude comment.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Izuku yelled standing up. This time you didn't do anything to stop him.

"She's my problem. She's eating up all of the food!" One of the girls said with a smirk while the other just sat there laughing.

"You think that's funny? Going around insulting people for fun?!"

"It's not just for fun if it's true"

"What if someone went around insulting you? Huh!? You aren't exactly someone who has the right to insult people, not saying anyone has the right to do so. In fact you'renot very pleasant to look at, my eyes are just burning looking at the monstrosity!"

You choked on your food upon hearing the words that had left the green head's mouth. 'Now why did he say that?!'


"Doesn't feel so great does it? Next time you try to make someone feel bad about themselves, you should think about your own insecurities and get those together."

She sat there for a moment (probably rethinking her life choices like I'm doing now) before getting up from her seat and running out the diner with her friend following behind.

You watch as he sat down looking visibly better.

"You good bruh?" You sipped your drink.

"I'm good, are you good?"

"I'm just peachy"

He smiled as if nothing happened "That's great! Anyway we should finish up, it kinda passed an hour"

"Yeah, I'll just ask for a take out box"

"You do that, I'll go pay"


Wtf am I doing with my life? Lol this is trash, so am I but oh well. Peace ✌🏾


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