Chapter 4: The new owner

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Amber's POV

I tried to curl my toes inside my shoes, hoping it would relieve the pain I felt. My feet ached and so did my back. I've been on my feet since five this morning and it was already heading toward late afternoon. I'd have to pull myself together. I asked for a double shift and I wouldn't go home until this evening.

"The order for table two is ready." One of the chefs yelled.

I snapped back into reality as I balanced the two large plates in both hands.

Stepping out of the restaurant's kitchen, I pressed my back against the wall. I pushed my way out to avoid colliding with another waiter walking in with a trolley.

I've been working here for nearly two weeks. The manager was kind enough to hire me almost immediately. The pay was great and so were the tips if you were lucky enough to bump into the right customers.

Because of my piling debts, I asked for a few extra shifts which hardly left much time for me to rest.

I walked to the table to make my delivery. The piano played in the background with some local artists performing light songs on stage.

I placed two plates of lasagna on the table, smiling at the couple. A little too many calories than most of the guests here prefer.

"Is there anything else you would like?" I asked.

The woman dismissed me, simply waving me away.

On my way to the kitchen, I stopped by one of the tables I was serving for the day.

The two women were ready to go. Their food looked like it had barely been eaten and they were ordering me to throw it away.

I took the dishes to the kitchen, toward the cleaning staff.

There were several people in the room, some piling dirty dishes into the dishwasher and some wiping them dry.

I walked to the sink where Kyle, one of the maintenance guys was standing.

"Another wasted meal," Kyle said as I placed the plates near the sink.

"Tell me about it," I answered leaning my back on the counter. I hoped it would relieve my feet of some of the pressure.

"You know, the amount of money they waste on a meal, I spent a week trying to earn that," Kyle remarked.

"Yeah, that's just the benefit of being born with a trust fund," I answered.

I heard footsteps approaching. Janet our manager walked in with her usual constipated expression.

She was a middle-aged woman with grey hair far beyond her age. She was strict and tough and never gave anyone second chances. She replaced the previous manager a few days after I started working here.

I stood up straight in full alert at her arrival.

What was I doing here anyway?

"Can everyone here just hurry up a little more with the dishes?" Janet yelled. She clapped her hands together as everyone rushed to their jobs. "Amber," she turned her attention to me. "You take way too much time with one order. If you can't keep up you shouldn't be working here. I don't need to remind you that you are supposed to be at your post." She snapped.

I nodded, preparing myself to leave but Janet quickly stopped me. "I ordered an emergency staff meeting with the waiters. I need you to gather in the kitchen immediately. Get your friend Phoebe as well." She ordered.

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