THE END?(13)

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THE END?(13)

{Before starting this chapter i would like to give an advice to all girls...dear girls please carry something sharp with you whenever you go somewhere so if anyone tries to do something inappropriate with you could protect yourself from that person with a help of that pointed/sharp object}
[it may looks like a simple advice but it can save you so please take it seriously]

You all...yeah you all didn't commented so here you go with a not so beautiful sad ending.....still time is left if you will vote for this part i will do a happy ending.
Make sure the votes are equal to the reads on this chapter.

As they both were watching movie yn fell asleep on jungkook's he suddenly felt heavy on his shoulder he looked aside and saw her sleeping peacefully.....he slowly closed the laptop and shifted her into a comfortable position....{ofc she didn't woke up she is also a heavy sleeper like-- like--- Eddy yeah Eddy and Ella.....i am not a heavy sleeper don't even think of that.....💀}
And just like that they fell asleep peacefully fully unaware of the storm that was about to come in their life the next morning.....

Jungkook woke up before yn and went downstairs while yn was sleeping...after a few minutes she woke up got ready and went downstairs...and now they are at Dinning table....yn was sitting between jimin and jungkook....

Jimin: So i was thinking to go to the nearest cafe today......*happy*

Yoongi: We aren't holding you back though....🙄*uninterested af*

YN: yes oppa is right we aren't holding you back anyways.....

Jimin: Can i speak now*so done look*

Yoongi: as if...if we denied then you won't say..🙄🙄

Jimin: now i clearly doubt my existence here...

YN: Great you should do this often...

Jimin: the heck--- yn you too...

YN: just kidding what about the cafe?

Jimin: well i was thinking to go's been a while since me and you*pointing towards yn*went to cafe or something.....

YN: yeah it's actually been but....sowie i can't go today i have some sorts of work to do at home....

Jimin: issue but on coming Sunday?...

YN: sure on Sunday i am totally free....

Jungkook:*phone starts ringing*
On the call
BG(bodyguard): sir your brother is here to visit you he said it's really important to meet you he wants to tell you something.... really important

Jungkook: what's it can't he simply tell on the call...

BG: no sir...i asked him about it but he clearly denied that this information can't be leaked....

Jungkook: oh- okay i will be there by evening it?

BG: yes sir!

*Call ended*.
Jungkook: umm...yn we need to go to mansion now my brother is's really important to shall we go or you wanna stay here?

YN: oh....sure let's go

Mrs.min: take care guys and come again soon...okay?

Jungkook: sure mom we will....

*After this they left min mansion in the way*

As they both were going back home talking with each other suddenly they heard gunshots and when jungkook peaked out of the window they saw the car of their enemies chasing them and the worst thing is that they were on a one way high way and the highway was built on a road and on the other side of there was nothing but ditch (khai....idk what do we say it in english-__-)..... jungkook started firing towards the opposite cars...they preety much even escaped but jungkook ran out of bullets and their car in rush fell down the hill in the ditch(khai-__-) the moment the car fell everything stopped for a moment....the car fell down the hill and blasted..... imagine two lovers who never got a chance to express their love for each other died today.....two innocent souls died today.....

Is it the end or there's many things yet to come....will they survive or will they die????? it really the end or its the staring???

I think it's the best chapter that i have written so far......

Want a happy ending...then vote/ comment... choice is yours.....

Happy{  }
Sad{  }


It's not an end anyways....500+ views are a lot more than i expected 🥺 there will be next part.... it's in process there will be atleast 15 total parts of it and then we will go for the hate series......

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