Chapter 25 - Strike

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"You looked so hot".

Anamika put a distance between them and said, "Im not in a good mood". Then she leisurely sat on the couch and Pratap followed her.  He said, "Till 2 months back, you were always in a mood. But now you don't even reciprocate my advances". Pratap knew that they couldn't be intimate but still there is no harm in soft romance. Anamika could hear some fake disappointment in his voice and rolled her eyes.

Suddenly Anamika felt a sharp pain in her stomach and clutched it.  Pratap noticed it and panicked in an instant. "Anamika, Why the pain came so early that too two weeks early?", Pratap exclaimed in fear of both Anamika and the childrens' safety. "Kamala!", Pratap called for the maid to look for the midwife. Anamika stopped him by holding his hand and shook her head at Kamala, who came immediately in a rush, in no.

Then she said, "I have heard from midwife that there will be some false alarms as well, like what we experienced now. The pain didn't last for more than a minute. So Don't think much on this". Although Pratap was sceptical about this, wince Kamal also supported Anamika's statement, he let it go. At this time, Anamika wished that her mother stayed till she gave birth but due to some unavoidable circumstances, her mother returned back on the next day of baby shower function and will return only after the kids birth.

After that incident, the couple retired to bed for the night and slept peacefully. But in another chamber, an older woman was slapping a young lady repeatedly saying,"How date she slap me? Whom does she think she is? I won't let her to live. Previously it was only snatching her husband but he doesn't seem to even look at you. So hereafter you are of no use, I have to do something to get my revenge. I will definitely repay you for this Anamika", the older woman gave one last slap to the younger lady and went out of the chamber.

The older woman is none other than Meenavathi who was beating her own daughter Saudamini because she got insulted by Anamika. Once Meenavathi left the chamber, Saudamini sat down on the floor crying miserably. "Why Pratap? Why don't you like me? I love you from when i didn't even know what love is. But your eyes are only on that Anamika", Saudamini gritted her teeth while taking Anamika's name. But apart from letting her angry tears down, she doesn't have the courage to do anything on her own.

On the other hand, Meenavathi went to the servant quarters on her own and called Mohini, the kitchen assistant. She told her plan to Mohini and asked some materials to be arranged, which Mohini arranged within a few minutes and gave it.  Once morning came, Meenavathi didn't even come out of her chamber while Saudamini was with Ranisa expecting some help which the later couldn't afford under the scrutinizing eyes of Rajmatha (Empress Dowager), especially after Rajmatha mentioned about a certain someone in her talks.

Getting to know through her maids about the silence from Meenavathi's chamber, Anamika knew that it is just silence before the storm. She doesn't get some alone time from Yuvraj everyday and so only when he is out for some work, she gets to know updates from Kamala, just like the previous day about the dinner invitation.  And her assumptions became more strong when the kitchen maid Mohini became unreachable. Anamika wanted to strike the final blow and clean up all these traitors but seems like something wrong.

Soon the gloomy day went off and the night commences. At midnight, the doors to Meenavathi's chambers opened and Meenavathi covered in a black cloak from head to toe came out. She moved towards Anamika's chambers and saw that few night guards were standing outside. Then she took out a powder balls from her cloak and threw towards the guards.  The balls blew up without a noise and soon the guards fell down unconscious.

Once that is done, Meenavathi went inside the chamber and looked at the closed bedroom door. She took out the materials to break the lock noiselessly but when she touched the door, she found it already open. With some cautiousness she opened the door slowly and saw that only Anamika was sleeping and Yuvraj was nowhere to be found. So taking him being outside as the reason for the open door, Meenavathi moved inside and quickly retrieved the knife.

She slowly moved towards the bed where Anamika was sleeping and glared at her with so much hatred. Infact her original plan was to kill both Yuvraj and Anamika after making them unconscious with the same powder balls. But she became lethargic on not finding Yuvraj and her revenge blinded her mind. She brought the knife so high and bring it down directly to Anamika's stomach with the intention of killing the babies along with their mother, when a hand caught her wrist making her numb.

Fearfully Meenavathi turned to look at the person holding her wrist and dropped her knife in shock. It was Yuvraj Pratap Singh Rathod and standing behind him was Anamika.


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