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|| T W E N T Y ||

Under sunshine pylons, we'll meet
While rain is falling like rhinestones from the sky


With an expression of amazement, she watched the town they neared. It was much bigger than Repton, with a more elaborate castle and square for the market. Though King Ecbert had only been dead for a day, the Vikings had managed to turn the whole place into a basecamp, with long wooden tables placed on the square for people to dine upon and an elevated spot at the head of it for the Ragnarssons. The Vikings were a brutal people, but hardworking as well.

The feast was already starting when her horse trotted into the town, a young donkey tied to her saddle on which Svend and Liv were seated, who had refused to leave with their mother when she went to take the castle with Helga and other women, claiming that their promise to Prince Ivar could not be broken. Behind her followed the other slaves as well as the Vikings who had been given the task to escort them.

Looking straight ahead, Alasia immediately caught Ivar's eye, her heart skipping a beat in response. He was seated on the end of the table in a position befitting his status, his axe next to his chair and his hands wrapped around a golden cup. From the way the muscles of his face were clenched she could tell that he was in a lot of pain, but dared not to show it and she felt her heart ache with pity. After not having seen him for four days straight, it surprised her to find how faulty her mind was, which had remembered him completely the wrong way. Offering him the smallest of smiles, she guided the horse into the direction of the stables, which were behind the daise.

She got off the horse smoothly, after which she walked to the donkey. Letting out a playful loud grunt, she first lifted off Liv and then Svend, the two children looking at her expectantly with their bright green eyes. She smiled and knelt down until she could look them in the eyes, placing a hand upon each of their shoulders. "Thank you very much for your protection the last days," she said earnestly, looking from Liv with her wild hairs to Svend with his toothy grin. "Now go find your mother."

She didn't have to tell them twice, the two siblings immediately storming away and she rose again, watching the two disappear into the crowd. After four days of having the two kids walking around with her like little ducklings following their mother, she noticed that she had found great joy in their childish behaviour and their simple way to view life. It had also caused a terrible ache in her heart, for they reminded her so much of her little Antonio and Imeldina.

When she turned around she noticed that Ivar was staring at her already, his cup raised to his lips to hide most of the expression on his face and feeling like she'd been caught doing something she wasn't allowed to, such as dwelling over her past life, she hastily took a deep breath and tried her best to not show any obvious emotions on her face. Just as she was about to walk away, Björn suddenly rose from the table.

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