F O R T Y - F I V E

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|| F O R T Y - F I V E ||

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I can't help but repeat myself
I know it's not your fault


Alasia woke from the sound of three voices mingling with each other. She could easily discern the voice of her younger brother, for it was close to her ear as he was curled up by her side even though he was too old for such things, and neither could the worried, soft voice of her sister go unnoticed. For a fleeting moment, she hoped that Ivar's was the third voice, but after she heard a chuckle she knew it was Hvitserk and that was good too. A while she listened to their conversation about Antonio's training and how much he wanted to train with a real sword, as well as the subtle flirting and compliments exchanged between Imeldina and Hvitserk.

Both brought a smile to her face and when she opened her eyes, she blinked against the light that flooded her vision. Letting out a soft grunt, she lowered her eyes to her brother, who lay curled against her stomach as though he was a cat, his head on her arm. Chucking, she wrapped a sudden arm around his body and pulled him even closer, pressing a kiss against his cheek. Even though he was screaming bloody murder, her brother suffered her shower of affections with grace. "Are you not too old to lie in bed with me, Nuccio?" she said teasingly, tickling his sides.

"I was watching over you," her younger brother defended himself. His innocent, big eyes stared up at her and she could feel her heart grow warmer with love. "And now you've woken up."

"Undoubtedly because of you," she agreed, giving her brother a serious nod. "Why don't you give me something to drink? My throat is on fire."

Within the second, Antonio squirmed out of her grip and was dashing for the table near the fireplace. Alasia's eyes flickered to her sister, who was seated on the chair next to her bed and looking every bit the neat lady she was raised to be. The muscles in her face softened and with a smile, Alasia reached her hand out. Imeldina grabbed it with both of hers and gave it a soft squeeze. "It brings me great joy to see that you two have made it safely," Alasia said earnestly. "You must tell me all of what happened after I left."

Antonio came back to her bedside, carrying a big cup of honeyed milk and Alasia's eyes flickered to the third person in the room. Hvitserk understood her without a word being exchanged, instantly walking to her and gently hoisting her up against the feather pillows. She let out a grunt of pain as her vision turned white when her back touched the pillows, but after sitting still for a moment, the pain subsided. "Thank you, Hvitserk," she muttered softly to her best friend who watched her like she could drop dead any moment now.

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