Comic Covers ─ CLOSED

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⚔️ after much deliberation, i have decided to open requests for comic covers. in the past, i have only made them for myself and close mutuals, but over the past few months lots of other creators have asked me if they themselves could make their own covers in this style! making comic covers is actually really fun and i've enjoyed making them ever since i started, so i thought: why not actually make them for people? so here we are 🫶🫶

⚔️ requesting for a comic cover will have a slightly different process than requesting a regular one, though. i will be more selective in making comic covers, in the sense that i am a perfectionist at heart and if i don't think i can do a request justice, i won't accept it.

⚔️ if you receive a comic cover from me, please use it for at least 3 weeks (as per my rules, regular covers only need to be used for 2 weeks.) comic covers require more work and time so please keep this in mind before you request.

⚔️ do not ask me to replicate any comic covers i've previously made for anyone else. my covers are one of a kind /lh. in seriousness yeah, please don't! feel free to cite actual comic covers but i'm trying to develop my skills, not make carbon copies of what i've already done!

⚔️ if you request a comic book cover from me, please do not request such a cover from any other creator if they have not explicitly credited me for the concept. obviously i did not invent comic books (unless... plot twist! 😭😭) but i introduced this idea to the community and to request from my lotto is to respect both what i make as a creator and me as a person. if you take issue with this, please don't bother requesting.

⚔️ as far as faceclaims go, i am more likely to accept your request if you don't use a pre-existing canon character for an oc within the same universe. i.e. you are using starfire as an oc's faceclaim and pairing them with someone within dc.

⚔️ i am down to (attempt to) recolour hair and outfits. just let me know that you'd like me to recolour something in the notes section of your request and i'll do my best. the password for this request type is also different—tell me what your favourite comic book adaption is. it can be a tv show or a movie, i don't mind ☺️

⚔️ there are some specific pairings i will not make covers for. they are as follows:

for dc:
jason todd/red hood x betsy braddock/kwannon/psylocke; jason todd/red hood x elektra natchios; wally west/the flash x madelyne pryor; harvey dent/two-face x jessica jones.

for marvel:
marc spector/moon knight x dinah lance/black canary; stephen strange/doctor strange x zatanna zatara.

⚔️ you are more than welcome to request for these characters separate of these pairings (i.e. psylocke x nightwing as opposed to psylocke x red hood), but otherwise i will not make graphics for them. this is only because i have already made graphics for these pairings for myself/others and i have dedicated aesthetics for these projects.

⚔️  i don't feel comfortable making graphics for similar projects, as i do not want to confuse the aesthetics or accidentally make the stories/characters seem more similar than they actually are. additionally, some characters simply don't have enough resources and as i've said previously i don't want to remake covers i've already made. in most cases that also means i don't want to reuse resources.

⚔️ if you have a problem with this, please just don't request. i don't know how to explain my process, but in my head (and i guess on my hard-drive JAHSJD) i have individual folders for every cover i've ever worked on. comic covers stand out specifically, with each having their own notes, vibes, et. cetera. i don't want to confuse myself and i definitely don't want to undermine anyone i've made covers for previously. i am also admittedly protective over my own comic fc pairings, which are red hood x psylocke and wally west x madelyne pryor.

⚔️  vips/mutuals may take exceptions to some of these rules. we can discuss it privately!!

⚔️ and finally, if you'd like to make yourself a comic cover please just ask! that's all i ask + inspiration credit wherever you post it. (an "inspired by @bayports" is literally all it takes.)



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