𝖝𝖝. heat waves for @metalbenders

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HEAT WAVES for metalbenders

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HEAT WAVES for metalbenders

HEAT WAVES for metalbenders

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hello again everyone! today i present to you a comic cover for my amazing friend taryn's upcoming x-men fic, heat waves! starring none other than my love, alex summers

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hello again everyone! today i present to you a comic cover for my amazing friend taryn's upcoming x-men fic, heat waves! starring none other than my love, alex summers. i've wanted to work with x-men resources for forever (x-men resources other than jean grey and madelyne pryor, at least) so i jumped at the chance to make this cover for taryn. in fairness, i jump at the chance to make anything for taryn, but when it involves alex summers? no hesitation. none.

this cover ended up being a lot less complex than i had originally envisioned. that's not necessarily a bad thing, however... sometimes, less is more! i went with a minimalistic colour palette this time around, mostly to avoid the visual confusion that a full-colour palette would've created. both resources i used for this cover were, in lieu of a better word, busy. reducing the cover to a few colours made the resources a lot easier to work with. it also made it easier to incorporate the title; i was set on distorting it, and if the base images that comprised the cover had been too distracting i definitely would've had to go a different route with the text treatment.

ramble over!

please dm me for the link to download your graphics. thank you so much for your support!

 thank you so much for your support!

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