chapter 14- First day of school

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"You wanna race to school?" asked Bruno.

(Val's POV-)

" Why not bro" I said with a smirk.
I know all my brothers are racers, Xander, Carlos and Bruno being the best of them all but they should not underestimate me.
Bruno's car was on my left side and Xander's was on my right. I looked at both of them and they smirked at me thinking they can win against me,ha like I would let them.
We waited for the race to start as Marco started counting.
They started theirs cars as I started my bike making it roar to life.
I looked at the oldies, they smiled at me and I returned it surprising them and even me.
I looked forward.
We all took of in full speed. I took of in full speed leaving them hot on my tail.
When we reached halfway to the school I slowed down intensionally. I watched as they drove past me at smirked mockingly at me. I drove behind them then when we saw the gates of school I increase my speed and overtook them,making sure to mockingly salute at them and went inside first with them entering seconds later.(A/N I am a teen, never rode a bike and never wrote any bike/race scene so imagine it and bear with me)
The school was really big filled with rich snobby kids, nothing  you won't  expect from crystalite high school, one of the most prestigious high schools in America. I parked the bike and took off my helmet. People were staring at me but I ignored them and made my way  to where my brothers were standing.
" How did you did that?" Asked daniel.
"Practice" I replied and smirked at Xander and Bruno who scowled.
"You race?" Xander asked amused.
"I do" I replied.
" Let's go and take your timetables " said Xander.
We made our way inside ignoring the glares from girls and lust filled eyes of boys.
We went to reception. The reception lady who looked like she was in her 30s smiled at us warmly. " Hello my name is Emma how can I help you?" She asked.
"We want our timetables" I said politely.
We told her our names and she gave us our respective timetables, locker key and all.
I left for my first class,maths. After a few minutes I found the class with the help of map the receptionist gave me.
I kicked opened the door and entered.
"Why are you late?" Asked the teacher with an annoyed look.
"New student" I replied in a monotone .
"I am your maths teacher you can call me miss Moore. Introduce yourself" she said with a fake smile.
"Valentina Romano" I replied.
She lost all colors on her face and the students were looking wide eyed at me.
" Are you re-lated to Ro-mano brothers?" She stuttered.
I nodded making her gulp in fear. I went at the back of the class and sat on the last bench near the window.
She started the class after recovering from her shock or fear whatever it was. I put my airpods on and starred out of the window.
The whole period no one bothered me but I could feel some students staring at me but I ignored them.
This continued for few classes and finally it was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria. I was not feeling hungry so took a strawberry milkshake and a medium sized grilled sandwich.
I was finding an empty table but lucas shouted my name and told me to come over. All the talk in the room died and everyone were watching me curiously some were glaring too but I as always ignored them.
I went to their table which was made of two tables combined, at the center of the cafeteria. I sat near lucas who was sitting besides Carlos.
Besides my brothers and cousins four new boys who were looking at me curiously.
" This is Valentina my sister" Lucas introduced me.
" You found her?" asked a dark hair boy with blue highlights He was well build and had a bad boy vibe.
"Yeah" replied Xavier.
"I am Cole,17 nice to meet you" introduced a brown eyed blonde with a smile. He had goofy vibes like Xavier.
"I am David,18" introduced another brown eyed boy with black hairs. He had a quiet kid vibe.
"Grey ,18" said the previous blue haired boy.
"Ryan,17 it's nice to meet you, beautiful" he said in a charming flirty voice. My brothers (cousins included) glared at him.
"She's off-limits Ryan" said Xander.
"Cool down dude I am just joking" he said raising his hand in mock surrender.
" So how was your day,Val?" Asked daniel.
"Fine but I think Mr Wilson hate me" I replied honestly. My history teacher seems to hate me because my surname is Romano, he literally asked me questions every chance he got trying to humiliate me in front of the whole class but unfortunately for him, thanks to my high IQ I answered correctly every time but this was really annoying.
"That old man hates Romanos after the prank we pulled on him." Chuckled Xavier.
We were all eating and taking. I was just drinking my smoothie after finishing my burger when someone kicked opened the door and Everyone became silent I looked at the door to see who came but what I saw shocked me.
There stood two important friends of mine whom I haven't seen in months. They scanned the room but when  their eyes land on me, their eyes wided from shock. I stood and walked to where they were and stood in front of them knowing well that all the eyes were on me. I glared at them as they looked nervous like I'm gonna eat them.
"V-" Alexa whispered.
"I think we have some explaining to do " I said and walked out with them following me.

I  can't believe we reached 5.6k+ I know it's not much for you  but it means so much to me. So thank youu so much all my readers it wont have been possible without you,so thanks a lot.

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Word: 1061

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