Chapter 17- New friends

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Valentina's POV-

"I don't see your name written on it"
I replied to the mystery boy.
"Don't test my patience chica it's my sit," he said getting irritated.
Rude much, huh.
"Not anymore, if you wanna sit here then don't be late next time" I said getting bored.
He grumbled something and sat next to me with a huff.
The teacher started the lesson and I put my airpods back on and starred out of the window. I could feel him starring at me and I tried to ignore it but after some time I couldn't take it so I turned around facing him and took my airpods off. I starred back at him, his eyes widened a little and his ears turned red of a second and I smirked a little as he composed himself and looked at the teacher who was explaining something.
"You've been starring for a while now" I stated bringing his attention back to me.
He grumbled something and decided to ignore me. Rude.
" You look like you wanna say something , so go ahead say it." I pressed on it.
" It's nothing... You just look really familiar like I know you but I don't think I met you before.." he said finally.
" Who knows maybe it's not the first time we met" I replied. It's definitely not going to be last though.
"Maybe" he said dazzed. The bell rang snaping him out of his thoughts. He gave me a last look, hung his backpack on his shoulder and walked out of the class without looking back.
I sighed and walked out to my next class.

Few classes later-

I am in my last class before lunch with Elliott who is taking a nap, patiently waiting for this period to end. The bell rang waking him up.
Teacher gave us our homework and we went out to the cafeteria.
We met Isa in halfway and she and Eli started ranting about their day and about how much they hate school.
We were just passing when we heard a whimper from an empty classroom. We went there and my blood boiled when I saw a few jocks beating a boy. But before the boy could punch him again I blocked his attack and punched him breaking his nose. Eli and Isa handled the other jocks. I kicked him on his neck knocking him out. I turned and faces the boy who was being bullied. I looked at him and realised that he is the same boy I saved that day in the janitor's room.
" It feels like deja vu, what happened this time?" I asked.
"I was walking towards the cafeteria and accidentally bumped into him, I apologized but he dragged me in this room and started beating me but before he can do any serious damage you came, thank you" he said gratefully.
"It's fine" I said and looked at at the twins who already knocked out the others boys.
"We are heading towards the cafeteria,wanna come along" I asked him.
" No my cousin is there and I don't want her to know about this so I am going to the washroom to fix this" he said pointing towards his dishevelled appearance. We nodded in understanding and started walking out but then I remembered something and turned to ask him " what's your name?" He looked shocked at that ,not expecting it.
"Owen" he replied and I nodded walking out.
We reached the cafeteria and as always kicked opened the door and stepped inside.
All the chatters died down as all the students looked at us curiously.
We stood in the line and bought our lunch. We were about to find somewhere to sit when Alexa shouted at the top of her lungs and called us over her table that was next to my brothers table in the middle. She was sitting there with Afrian and some friends. We went there and the siblings immediately tackled the twins in a hug.
" We missed you" Alexa and Adrian said in unison.
"We did too" they replied.
"We have so much to catch up" exclaimed Isa and we all chuckled.
" Let me introduce you to our friends" said Adrian and we all looked at four people sitting on the table looked amused at our reunion.
" This is Olivia, a cheerleader and the most energetic girl you will ever meet" he said pointing towards a redhead who smiled at us. She has lightly tanned skin with brown eyes. Her aura speaks trouble and mischief.
"And this is Charlotte, her girlfriend" he continues pointing towards a girl sitting next to Olivia. She have brown skin with black eyes and black hair. She had a badgirl aura around her. We will get along well.
" Then this is Killian." He said pointing towards a boy with bulky body. He have dark blue eyes with black hairs.
" And this is Ethan he said pointing towards an Asian boy sitting next to him. He have a carefree aura with black eyes and light brown curly hairs. He smiled warmly at us, his gaze stayed a little longer on Elliott.
"And guys, they are my friends from London, Isabella, Elliott and Valentina" he said pointing at us.
We all started eating and talking. Isa and Charlotte clicked instantly, talking like they've known each other their entire lives. Adrian, Ethan and Eli were talking and catching up. Both Ethan and Eli stealing glances at each other and I was not the only one noticing as I saw Killian and Isa smirking at them.
I was catching up with Alexa when Charlotte said" oh guys I forgot to tell you my cousin also joined school today and I invited him on our table I hope you don't mind".
" We don't mind but where is your cousin it's been fifteen minutes since lunch started" Alexa asked. She scanned the cafeteria when her eyes landed on someone behind me, she smile and said " there he is". A boy walked to her and she hugged him. He looked at the table and his eyes widened when he saw me.
" We met again" I said smiling.

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Words: 1079

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