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I remember the lack of noise following my sorting ceremony. I thought to myself, no way, this cannot be real. I hesitantly stood up from the chair, the hat already off of my head lifted by Professor Mcgonagall. I turned towards the Slytherin table. They did not look welcoming at all, and I knew that they could see the confusion, and possibly the terror on my face. 

I marched over to the Slytherin table as a thousand eyes gazed over me. They knew I was Hermione's sister and expected different of me, even though they didn't even know me.

Even though they didn't even know me. That, right there, is the reason that I have made it as a Slytherin thus far.

See, at first, OF COURSE I questioned why I was put into this house. I mean, I expected Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, even Hufflepuff as a last resort. I had wiped Slytherin off the table as even an option. Now, don't get me wrong. Not all Slytherins are bad people. A lot of them aren't. But I knew that I did not fit in the Slytherin category. So of course immediately after everything was said and done, 1st year me, found my way towards Professor Dumbledore's office.

This man was for sure a legend, and in my younger eyes, I was so nervous to speak with such a man. But important questions had to be answered, and it was imperative that this question was asked. 

"P-p-professor?" I remember stammering, trying to get his attention without seeming mad at my placement - or confused - or distraught. 

He slowly turned around from behind his desk, peering down at the child in front of him. "My name is Eleanor. Eleanor Granger." 

Before I could finish introducing myself, he spoke up: "Yes, Miss Granger. I know who you are. I know your sister quite well. I have heard many things about you, young Granger."

"You have?" 

"I sure have. Mostly favorable things, of course." He seemed to chuckle a bit at that. I, however, was still trying to figure out how to ask such an amazing wizard why I was placed in such a vile house. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me why I was placed in Slytherin. I expected to be placed with my sister in Gryffindor, and I got the opposite. Is there any way to change my house? There must have been a mistake!" 

Dumbledore seemed so deep in thought that I knew it was best not to say anything else. A few moments passed and he looked down on me. "No, Miss Granger. The Sorting Hat is not wrong. And your house cannot be changed. Your house is your house." 

Perplexed, this sweet, innocent me says again: "There's got to be another way! I just know that I am not a Slytherin! There must have been a mistake, Professor!"

Dumbledore shook his head, almost as if he were disappointed. "No no. I can assure you that there has been no mistake, and let me tell you how I know." He began to ramble on about how they had been keeping a close eye on me since Hermione came to Hogwarts. Kinda creepy if you ask me, but it's all in the past. But then he tells me why they had been watching me...

"At first, we wanted to see if you, a muggle-born girl, would be a right fit at Hogwarts just like your sister. But later in the year last year, we got word about a boy.." 

"A boy?" I asked. What the hell was that supposed to mean? 

"A boy, a year ahead of you, was placed into Slytherin. But he is more than a Slytherin. There is darkness somewhere in him, it may be deeper down for now, but soon it will come forward." I was still at a loss. I had no idea what he could be talking about, and he noticed the befuddled look on my face and continued. "We have a Seer here. She is one of the professors. Her name is Sybill Trelawney. She saw this boy's future, and it doesn't look good, young Granger. He will soon be on a dark, dark road - potentially following He Who Must Not Be Named into war."

"So what does this mean for me? What does this have to do with me being a Slytherin?"

Dumbledore searched carefully for his next words. "Yes, you may not be a true Slytherin.. yet." He paused to see the reaction on my face, and continued once he saw even more confusion plastered on it. "But, you were placed in this house for a purpose - a mission. And no one else can know about this, or it may ruin everything... You are to pretend to fit into Slytherin to get close to this boy. You, Miss Eleanor Granger, were chosen to lead Draco Malfoy away from this dark path and into a better one away from Voldemort."


A.N. Hey guys! I hope you like it so far 🤪. My only problem with this story so far is I have ideas for what I want to happen, but I don't exactly know how I want to get there yet! If you have any thoughts so far let me know!

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