Chapter 13

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"Get out of that circle now," Theo said, his face going pale. His voice was a thin wisp, a stark contrast to his naturally cocky demeanor.

"What? No, we have a deal! I will leave the circle when you have answered my question, not a moment sooner." I argued.

"You don't understand. Just get out! I will answer any question you want. Just leave the circle now." He yelled. This was my chance. I would get everything I wanted to be answered with no repercussions.

"deal, I'll leave the circle," I said, moving to take a step only to be stopped by an invisible wall. It was smooth like glass and cold. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. It was as though I've surrounded by ice, a chill seeping into my bones.

"I thought that only the Fae were affected by the salt protection." why am I stuck in


"Too late." I heard Theo mutter.

"Too late, for what Theo, what did you do," I asked.

"Might as well tell you. Gem, you aren't Human, at least not anymore." He said.

"Who the hell jokes bout things like that." a nervous laugh bubbling out of my constricted throat.

"I can't lie."

"You can't be telling the truth. I have been human my entire life. I can't be anything but a human, so unless I have become a vampire in

the 10 minutes we have been here, I doubt I could be anything but a human," I said. Was the box getting smaller?

"Let me guess, last night you bit my neck. I am turning into a ghost now," I said sarcastically.

"No, just let me explain. The Fae is have always struggled to breed amongst themselves. In the past, we would supplement our numbers by taking human brides. That ended With the ease of access to Iron. We were forced to hide behind our veil. "

"Get to the point. I know this grandma knows this why are you claiming I'm not human anymore."

"You have no memory of the deal we made, do you?"

"What deal."

"Gem, when I left you to gather my strength, I wasn't just going to leave my love in

the mortal world forever. I have known scents. I was a child that you were mine, and that meant taking you to where we could be together."

"What did you do," I asked, my stomach dropping.

"What did I do? Just what the Fae do best. you, on the other hand... well, you made a deal with the Fae, and the cost is you becoming one of us." He said, a grin forming on his face.

"That's impossible."

"Oh, but it is, and unfortunately for you, it happed in half the time it usually does. Your features are changing, becoming sharper and more pointed by the moment. You will begin to crave foods with a sweet taste, and salt will burn at the touch. Unfortunately, you will never be a real Fae just tied to one. This means that you can still lie and won't have wings like me, but... we can be together. Forever."

"Undo it brake it now. I can't disappear. I have my grandma to think about and college... I have a full ride to one in Tennessee. "I said

"That's not how Fae deals work, and unfortunately, you have to come with me...."

"I don't have to do anything, Honey, "I snapped

"You're going to die if you stay here."

"Why are you going to kill me ?"

"No, but this world will stop seeing you as one of its own the food will stop nourishing you, and you will grow weaker day by day. From the mass intakes of salt and the presence of Iron in your phone, which will begin burning you at any moment."

"How do we stop this? How do I go back to being human how?" I demanded, punching at the invisible wall in front of me.

"Gem, there is no way out of this. The contract has been signed. It's over, and if you hadn't had set up this stupid fairy ring, we would've been well on our way out of this world." He said.

"There has to be a way," I whispered. Suddenly I couldn't breathe. My chest felt tight my head felt closer to a cotton ball. Spots lined the edge of my vision.

"Gem, I need you to stay with me. It's going to be okay. You are going to be okay. I'm not able to break this deal. It's an ancient ritual that has gone on for millennia...."

"If it's gone on for millennia, why can't you break it? There must be a way." I said

"There isn't a way to break because normally it's done by a Fae and their mortal companion to keep them around forever instead of losing them in 50 – 60 years. No Fae would willingly let their loved ones die before they do."

"So what's going to happen? I give up my entire human life because of a mistake I made at five." I retort.

"You will gain a new life in the Fae realm."

"Forgive me for not thinking that's a fair trade to give up everything I've ever known in my entire life merely to go in with the place I know nothing about." I laughed cruelly.

"Why stay in a world where you are at best invisible? They may have never mistreated you, but that didn't mean they included you either. Human cruelty goes far beyond just mocking, doesn't it, Gem? You would know best, after all. What, you have one friend? A grandmother who cares for you, but she's getting up in years. She doesn't have much time left, dear. What does this world have to offer that is better than being a Princess. Student loans? Home ownership? Inevitable death in 40-60 years? Forgive me, dear it seems you don't understand that this world has nothing to offer you that I wouldn't return in spades."

"you don't know anything," I said.

"Ahh, but I do, Gem. I watched how they treated you. For years, I waited and waited for you to call my name to finally be with me. Instead, I watched them ignore your presence and mock you behind your back. It's not like this world is offering you much in the way of comfort, either. Your grandmother can only earn so much selling baked goods. If you come with me, I can show you all things life offers. Wealth,immortality, These are all things that I would share with you if only to give me a chance to be with you. In return, all that I ask is to be your one and only." He said. I grasped my hands together, trying to stop the shaking. I felt like I was falling apart, my entire world taken at the drop of a hat.

"How long do I have here? Before I die ... I mean." I asked him, didn't even try to keep the tremble out of my voice. This was Checkmate Theo had won.

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