Chapter 16

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"Tell me what exactly you agreed to, Em," Vicky asked, handing me a mug. The Steaming liquid threatened to slosh over the edge. She looked at me expectantly as she slumped into her bean bag.

"That's the thing Vicky I-I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know? You Don't do drugs. I have never seen you drink. Wait, was it that Fucker?? Did he Ruffie you? When I find that dick head, I am going to shove...."

"No, Vicky, I made the deal when I was a kid," I said, cutting her off.

"How young are we talking."

"Five ish, I'm not really sure. I just knew Theo when I was little. I know that I agreed to something, but I don't know the exact words or exactly what I agreed to," I said, looking down at the steaming liquid.

"Is there a way to fix it?" she asked.

"Not that I know of, and Theo says there isn't."

"I don't recommend taking that tricky basterds word. The Fae are known for bending the truth."

"How so?"

"Honesty and not being able to lie is not the same thing. I don't have to lie to you to trick you; I just have to leave out information."

"Vicky, I honestly don't care about Theo. Right now, I just want to say my goodbyes. I want you to know that I left willingly, and I'm ok."

"Don't say that. How could you want to leave with that weasel? Emmy, Look at me. I can fix this. we can fix this, and you can go to college, and we can forget all about the fae rings and can live our lives in peace."

"I don't think I am going to forget about this. Vicky, I need to know what's really out there. Can you tell me?" I asked.


"Don't Emmy me, I need to know what I am in for. Please, Vicky, If I go with Theo, I need to know." I said.

"You want to know about the things that go bump in the night? Why Emmy? It's not fun. You will look at each person, wondering if there's something that is going to try and eat you."

"I don't think I will be around long enough for it to affect me like that, Vicky." the sarcasm dripped off my lips.

"Fine, there's a lot about this world you don't know. Just about every one of the popular folk tales exists in some form or another Vampires, werewolves and the Fae are the big ones. They have the most cause for getting close to humans. Then there are people like my family hunters. We hunt the supernatural. Unfortunately, if we tell people they think we are crazy, The Fae have glamour the vampires' something called domination, and werewolves typically just turn those who catch them. Their heightened scenes means that it happens less often than you might think. Hunters are just humans able to see beyond glamor. Something about us is just resistant to their powers."

"What about other things. Mermaids Sirens and the like."

"Oh, they exist, but they have generally learned to leave humans alone. I have mentioned the three assholes that just can't. They need humans; for food community or for breeding purposes. The Fae have actually all but faded into the background. Vampires and werewolves rising to be the most annoying of the bunch." she spat. Vicky wasn't like this. She was always friendly and sweet. My Vicky was never like this Hateful Crude, the look of disdain marring her pretty face.

"and what exactly do you do, Vicky? You say you're a hunter, but I know you. You can barely kill a mosquito. You can't tell me you are hunting down vampires."

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