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Don't be cautious, don't be kind

You're committed, I'm your crime


After the hospital wing incident, James and Eve only seemed to get along better

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After the hospital wing incident, James and Eve only seemed to get along better. He seemed to be very patient with her, understanding how she was struggling. He often wondered how long she had kept it to herself before telling anyone she was suffering. Either way, he felt a certain pride in knowing.

"Erm, James," Eve said one evening as they sat in front of the fire.

"What's up, Eve?"James replied, looking up from his Quidditch magazine.

"My mum is throwing this Christmas Eve party," said Eve," She asked me to invite my friends...which she doesn't believe I have. I w-was wondering if y-you and the rest of the boys would like to come?"

James' face only seemed to brighten.

"I'd love to Eve! And I'm sure Sirius would with Raina. I"ll ask Remus and Peter in the morning," said James kindly. "Your mum's okay with it?"

"Mum loves people,"Eve replied. "I imagine ending up with me wasn't ideal."

"Don't say that," said James sternly,"Eve, you are kind, honest and smart amongst other things. Your mum should be proud and I bet she is."

Eve hesitated, wondering if she trusted James enough to start spilling her insecurities to him. She knew he could be trusted, she just didn't know if she was ready to trust him. Instead, Eve just smiled at James.

"Is your mum a witch?"James asked,"Not that it matters."

"My mum is, yeah, pure-blood actually," said Eve,"My dad was a muggle though. So's my step family so there will be quite a few muggles at the party. Mum said to keep wizard talk to a minimum."

James nodded.

"I think I'll go to bed now," said Eve.

Eve stood up, closing her book softly. She began to walk towards her room but, before getting to the door, she turned. James gazed up at her curiously.

"For the record, you might want to ask Sirius to stop telling Raina everything you tell him."

Eve smiled turning back arrived to go to her room.

"Wait, Eve! What did he say?!"


Eve loved the snow, she always had and always would. There was something so magical about it that no one could understand, the way it fluttered down but could cover the entire ground. She stared at it out the library window.

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