Untitled Part 39

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It was Jiao Xiaoyan who was caught.

Looking at her hand being clamped, Jiao Xiaoyan struggled for a while, with a panicked smile on her face, and said, "Xiao, Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter, don't you know?" Li Yulan asked back. .

"I don't know what Miss Xiaolan are you talking about?" Jiao Xiaoyan rolled her eyes and said.

The other two apprentices were also attracted by the movement here, but they didn't know what happened.

Li Yumei stepped forward angrily and said, "Jiao Xiaoyan, you stole the master paper from the store and gave it to Wang Ji Tailor!"

Xiang Danhong and Liang Xiaoshi were shocked when they heard Li Yumei's words, and looked at Jiao Xiaoyan in disbelief.

Of course Jiao Xiaoyan would not admit it, she shouted in a stern voice: "Sister Mei, don't contaminate people out of thin air!"

"You will know if you are innocent when the police arrive. You should still have evidence on your body now, right?" Li Yulan He said lightly, and shouted at Dan Hong again, "Dan Hong, go to the nearby police station to report the case.


When Jiao Xiaoyan heard this, she immediately panicked.

She struggled to get rid of Li Yulan's hand that was holding her, and was about to run outside.

Li Yulan, who was thrown away, called out to Liang Xiaoshi, "Xiaoshi, grab her!"

Liang Xiaoshi, who was a little dazed, heard Li Yulan's words, reacted, and rushed over to hold Jiao Xiaoyan.

After all, Liang Xiaoshi was a man, and he was very strong. Jiao Xiaoyan was pressed down and couldn't move.

Li Yulan instructed Liang Xiaoshi to find a rope and tie Jiao Xiaoyan's hand behind her back, waiting for Xiang Danhong to call the police.

Jiao Xiaoyan, who was tied up, was angry and panicked. After struggling desperately to no avail, she began to curse.

The movement in the shop quickly attracted everyone's attention. The nearby shopkeepers and passersby all gathered around and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"How did you tie people up?"

Li Yulan stood up. After looking at Jiao Xiaoyan, she said to everyone, "It's nothing, it's just a thief in the store."

"What?! Thief! Jiao Xiaoyan? She stole something, how much did she steal?

" As soon as the matter of the paper was mentioned, everyone scolded: "I'll just say, why are the clothes in Wang Ji's tailor shop exactly the same as yours? It turns out that there was a thief in the shop!"

"This Jiao Xiaoyan It's too much!" "That's right, Xiaolan

is not bad for you apprentices, how could she do such a thing?" She just regretted it to the death, why did she just go to the printing plate just now! Otherwise you won't be caught! In fact, Jiao Xiaoyan didn't do this secretly for a long time. Not long ago, Wang Youcai secretly found her and wanted to buy her a copy of Li Yulan's tailor's clothes. Jiao Xiaoyan was originally unwilling, but because Wang Youcai gave a lot of money, she dared to do it again. There are two in this kind of thing, and there are three in two. Jiao Xiaoyan has never been discovered, and her courage has become more and more bold. A few days ago, when she saw that Li Yulan had designed a new dress, Jiao Xiaoyan was moved again, and she decided to do something big this time! Jiao Xiaoyan secretly took down the pattern on the workbench, because the design had been taken away by Li Yulan long ago, so she could only draw an outline based on memory. But it was these two things that made Jiao Xiaoyan earn 2,000 yuan from Wang Youcai! Two thousand dollars! Her parents are the lowest-level workers, and the two thousand yuan is more than their annual salary!

Thinking of what Wang Youcai said before he left, Jiao Xiaoyan sold the news that Li Yumei was going to purchase fabrics to Wang Youcai the next day, and received another two hundred yuan from him.

Jiao Xiaoyan has never felt that money is so easy to earn. She felt that she had found a way to make a fortune, so she set her sights on other patterns -

since Wang Youcai could make so much money by herself, then she put Wouldn't it be possible to make more money by selling the samples to others?

It's a pity that Jiao Xiaoyan didn't dare to keep the pattern on herself because she was a little scared before, and she gave it directly to Wang Youcai after it was developed.

Since Jiao Xiaoyan decided to find more buyers, she had to make another copy of the sample.

It's just that she didn't expect that she overturned the car this time and was immediately caught! Jiao Xiaoyan just regretted it to death.

But it was useless for her to regret it now, and the police from the police station also rushed over.

Witnessed by everyone, the police found out the pattern of Jiao Xiaoyan's body, which can be said to be the stolen goods.

Jiao Xiaoyan was soon taken back to the police station.

Li Yulan and the others also closed the tailor shop and went to the police station to make a record together.

To everyone's disappointment, the law is not so perfect at the moment. What Jiao Xiaoyan stole was a copy of the pattern, not a property in a broad sense, and its value was not easy to estimate, so she would probably only stay in the detention center for a few days. will be released.

But because this incident is quite a big deal, after Jiao Xiaoyan is released, no one should dare to hire such a person with dirty hands and feet.

This result is not very satisfactory to everyone, but there is nothing to do.

By the way, Li Yulan also reacted with the police about the Wangji Tailoring Shop. The police also despised the behavior of Wangji Tailoring Shop, but she also reluctantly told Li Yulan that they could not control this kind of behavior at present, and there was nothing to do. ......

Hearing this result, Li Yulan pursed her lips, but she was not surprised.

When Jiao Xiaoyan was escorted out by the police, Li Yulan couldn't help but ask, "Why did you do this? Is it because of money?"

Because Jiao Xiaoyan was arrested, she looked at Li Yulan with hatred in her eyes. "Humph" before saying, "Of course it's because of money! We've helped a lot in the store, why should you make money alone?"

Li Yulan: "..."

Jiao Xiaoyan put herself After she said what she said in her heart, she felt more refreshed, and showed a refreshing smile to Li Yulan who was not talking, and then said: "Do you think your next clothes can be as profitable and easy to sell as before? I tell you, it is impossible, you It 's over, hahahahaha!"

Li Yulan: "..."

Jiao Xiaoyan was still laughing when she was taken away.

Li Yulan was speechless. She turned to look at Liang Xiaoshi and Xiang Danhong who were with her, and asked, "Do you think the same way as her?"

Li Yulan really didn't expect Jiao Xiaoyan to think so, because she took the big It feels unfair for some of the money.

Ask herself, Li Yulan really didn't feel that she felt sorry for these three apprentices at all.

The basic salary she gave to the three apprentices was 100 yuan, and when she was busy, she would take the initiative to increase their salary. Such good conditions cannot be found in S City or even in the whole country.

You must know that most of the apprenticeships in tailor shops are pitiful, or even not yet. After all, you are going to learn sewing skills, and even if the master confiscates your money, you still want a high salary?

Moreover, in other tailor shops, there is much more work to do than in Li Yulan's shop. Not only do you need help in the tailor shop, but sometimes the tailor's housework also has to be helped! In comparison, Li Yulan's store is not too happy.

But even so, some people still feel dissatisfied and feel that Li Yulan should give her all the money she earned, which is exactly what she said—people are not enough to swallow elephants.

After all, it is a person who has been with each other for several months. It is impossible for Li Yulan to say that she is not disappointed.

"If you have any other thoughts, say them as soon as possible, and we can get together and get together. We don't want to make any bad things happen again."

Liang Xiaoshi and Xiang Danhong hurriedly shook their heads and said: " Miss Lan, we don't have any ideas."

Both of them are honest and responsible people, and they don't have so many strange ideas, so they were also confused by Jiao Xiaoyan's appearance today.

Li Yulan also knew that the two of them didn't have too much fun, so she didn't say much. She only said that if she wanted to leave, she could tell her at any time.

Both of them said that they would not leave. For such a good job, they will leave only when their brains are broken!

"Miss Xiaolan, what shall we do next?" Liang Xiaoshi asked.

They also all knew that Jiao Xiaoyan had stolen the design and pattern of the new clothes, and they couldn't help but worry.

Li Yulan waved her hand and said, "Everyone is tired today, go back to rest early, and come to the store to make clothes early tomorrow."

"Ah? But..." The two were still a little worried, but seeing that Li Yulan had already decided It looked like he could only leave with a heavy heart.

At the same time, Wang Ji's tailor shop was in full swing. Wang Youcai

's wife hurried in and said worriedly, "Pharaoh, that girl Jiao Xiaoyan was taken away by the police station, do you think this will involve us?"

"I was caught? What's going on?"

"What else could happen? She was caught stealing the pattern!" Wang Youcai's wife said angrily, "Do you think she will bite us out? ?"

When Wang Youcai heard this, his eyes narrowed, he didn't expect that idiot Jiao Xiaoyan to be so careless!

It's a pity, and I don't know if I can find a way in the future.

As for his wife's worries, Wang Youcai didn't care at all and said, "Hmph, what does it have to do with us when she is arrested? We didn't steal or rob! Even if Jiao Xiaoyan bit us, it would still require proof. Has anyone seen it? Does anyone have any proof?"

Wang Youcai's wife slapped her thigh and laughed, and gave Wang Youcai a thumbs up: "Oh, you can still figure it out! Are you tired after so long? Do you want to take a break and eat something? What?"

"No!" Wang Youcai waved his hand, "Go watch others and don't let them be lazy, we just have to do more these days!"

Wang Youcai thought very clearly, what he did on his own side The clothes are definitely not as beautiful as Li Yulan's, so they have to produce as much as possible before they can make them, and sell them before Li Yulan, so that they can eat up most of the market.

In order to achieve this goal, Wang Youcai did not hesitate to hire several sewing workers and borrow several sewing machines, asking them to make clothes without sleep.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night.


The next day, Li Yulan's tailor shop.

Liang Xiaoshi and Xiang Danhong both had faint dark circles under their eyes, but Li Yulan seemed to have a good night's sleep and was very full of energy.

"Everyone cheered up and started making clothes." Li Yulan clapped her hands and said.

Liang Xiaoshi and Xiang Danhong hesitated to speak, and after sighing, they still went to work obediently.

Li Yulan calmly arranged tasks for them.

When Xiang Danhong took the sample and cut the cloth, she suddenly made a "huh", she couldn't help but glance at Li Yulan, and then lowered her head silently.

Several people buried themselves in the noon.

Li Yumei went out to buy food and asked them to take a break for lunch.

Just after lunch, a person suddenly ran in at the door of the store, and the person who came was Xia Bingbing.

As soon as Xia Bingbing stopped, she didn't catch her breath. She put her hands on her knees and panted, "Sister Xiaolan, what's going on? The Wangji tailor shop is actually selling suspender jumpsuits! And they're all sold out. !"

When Liang Xiaoshi and Xiang Danhong heard this, they couldn't sit still, stood up angrily, and hurried up to ask Xia Bingbing what was going on.

Xia Bingbing was out of breath after speaking for a long time in one breath, so she breathed evenly and continued: "That's it—"

As soon as the words started, Xia Bingbing saw the clothes Li Yulan and the others made in the morning. Immediately ran over, touched the clothes and said, "Oh, the Wang Ji tailor shop sells this kind of suspender jumpsuit, but it's not as good-looking! What the hell is going on?"

Liang Xiaoshi and Xiang Danhong Tell Xia Bingbing the matter in a few words.

After listening to Xia Bingbing, she was so angry: "Is Jiao Xiaoyan sick? Wang Youcai is really shameless. I heard someone say that I want to buy suspender jumpsuits this morning. I thought it was Sister Xiaolan, you are here. It's new, I didn't expect it to be at Wangji's tailor shop, didn't it just copy it from Sister Xiaolan! I've never seen such a shameless person!"

After she finished speaking, she stomped again. Stomping: "It's really cheap, Wang Youcai, I heard that his family just put out a hundred pieces of suspender jumpsuits this morning, and they were sold out quickly, and then their family is doing crazy things now, basically just When you make one, sell it..."

Liang Xiaoshi couldn't help but swear when he heard Xia Bingbing say this.

"Okay, have enough rest? Let's continue to work." Li Yulan said.

Li Yulan didn't have any anger on her face even when she heard that others made a lot of money for plagiarizing her own work.

"Yes, yes, you can do it quickly. Ours are much better looking. If you don't believe me, you won't be able to sell them!" Xia Bingbing said in agreement.

After she finished speaking, she went to get a ready-made suspender jumpsuit, and said very attentively, "Miss Xiaolan, I'll hang this for you first!"

Xia Bingbing was about to leave with her clothes, but Li Yulan stopped her: "Bingbing, wait a minute, don't hang it up yet."

"Ah? Why?" Xia Bingbing asked in confusion, "Isn't it all done? Is it?"

"I won't sell it for a few days." Li Yulan explained.

Looking at the puzzled three people again, Li Yulan smiled and said, "Just listen to me, and let Wang Ji tailor shop sell them in the next few days."

Several people did not know what Li Yulan was selling in the gourd. Medicine, but she said so, and a few people can only do it.

For the next two days, the business of Wang Ji Tailor's shop was still very good, which made everyone in a bad mood.

On the third day, something happened to the tailor shop of Wang Ji.

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