Untitled Part 42

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Li Yulan stood up abruptly, frowned and asked, "A fight broke out? What's going on?

" .

Instead of wasting time in the office, Li Yulan walked directly to the workshop.

As soon as I entered the workshop, I saw a group of workers who didn't stay at their jobs, but gathered around to watch the fun.

Li Yulan walked over with a cold face. The workers were somewhat restrained when they saw the factory manager. Most of them shut up and made way for her.

"What's going on?" Li Yulan said calmly.

As soon as she walked in, she saw two men with bruised noses and bruised faces who were pulled away inside.

What surprised Li Yulan even more was that one of them turned out to be Liang Xiaoshi. Liang Xiaoshi has always been honest, and Li Yulan never expected that he would fight someone in the workshop.

The other man was an original worker in the factory. Li Yulan had an impression but couldn't remember the name.

Just at this moment, Dong Fengmao also hurried over. Seeing this scene, he hurriedly shouted, "Fu Xiang, what's going on?"

It seemed that the other man who was fighting was called Fu Xiang.

The two men who were pulled apart were staring fiercely at each other.

Li Yulan and Dong Fengmao simply asked the other workers in the workshop what was going on.

"I don't know. As soon as I heard the movement, I saw the two of them fighting."

"It seems that they quarreled first, and then Fu Xiang stood up and punched Liang Xiaoshi."

"What do I do? Remember that Liang Xiaoshi made the first move?"


Everyone had a different opinion, Li Yulan interrupted them with a headache, and said, "Okay, don't talk about the others, let the two parties involved. Say it yourself."

Li Yulan's eyes swept over the two of them, and continued: "Liang Xiaoshi, you speak first."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Fu Xiang snort lightly, with dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction on his face.

Li Yulan frowned and said, "Fu Xiang, do you have any dissatisfaction? How about you talk about it first?"

Fu Xiang pouted and didn't speak again.

Liang Xiaoshi glared at Fu Xiang fiercely, and then took care of his clothes that were a little messy, and then said, "Let me tell you."

Li Yulan listened to Liang Xiaoshi talking about what happened.

In fact, it was not a big deal at the beginning, that is, Liang Xiaoshi found out that Fu Xiang was often fishing and paddling when he was working for several days, and he didn't do the work assigned to him, so he went to remind him.

But Fu Xiang didn't care about Liang Xiaoshi's reminder, what should he do, he simply ignored Liang Xiaoshi.

Liang Xiaoshi got a little angry, and patted Fu Xiang's work surface with his palm, telling him to calm down.

However, Fu Xiang was annoyed by Liang Xiaoshi's shooting, and he taunted him directly: "This factory is your mother's, you are so caring? I heard that you came with the female factory manager, why don't you? Is there any shameful relationship? But that female factory manager, hehe..."

Fu Xiang's malicious speculation made Liang Xiaoshi directly angry, he stepped forward and grabbed Fu Xiang's collar, Gritting his teeth, he said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Did you fucking use it? Come on, I'm afraid of you!" Fu Xiang pushed Liang Xiaoshi away with his fists, and the two scuffled together.

Li Yulan's face didn't change after listening to the whole process.

Then, she looked straight at Fu Xiang: "Do you have anything to refute what Liang Xiaoshi said?"

Fu Xiang snorted coldly and said nothing.

Li Yulan took a deep breath and said, "In that case, Fu Xiang, you have been fired."

The expression on Fu Xiang's face finally changed, and he exclaimed in shock, "Why did you fire me?"

"I am the factory manager, and my factory does not support idlers." Li Yulan said coldly.

"No, you can't fire me, my parents died for the factory, you can't fire me!" Fu Xiang shouted excitedly.

Li Yulan's frown deepened, but she still said, "I admire your parents, but now, you can't stay in this factory."

"Mr. Dong, what do you think?" Li Yulan looked at and stood aside. Dong Fengmao, who did not speak, asked.

Fu Xiang also looked at Dong Fengmao as if asking for help, and shouted, "Director!"

"I'm not the manager anymore." Dong Fengmao sighed deeply and added, "Xiaoxiang, listen to Director Li. Well, you'd better go..."

Fu Xiang said incredulously, "Uncle Dong, how can you do this? Have you forgotten my parents?"

More than 20 years ago, something happened in the factory. A big fire.

Fu Xiang's parents were buried in the fire in order to save the cremation, so the factory has always taken care of Fu Xiang.

As Fu Xiang grew up and started working in the factory, Dong Fengmao turned a blind eye even if he knew that he was lazy and often did not work. Now that the factory has been contracted out, the new factory director will naturally not be like him.

Dong Fengmao was not surprised by this situation, but he regretted that he should not have been so used to him in the first place.

"Go to the finance department and settle the money for the past few days before leaving." Li Yulan is willing to give Dong Fengmao a face.

Dong Fengmao glanced at Li Yulan gratefully, but Fu Xiang seemed to be provoked, and scolded Li Yulan with an angry face: "You stinky bastard!

" People got caught.

Dong Fengmao slapped Fu Xiang with a livid face, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Li Yulan apologetically, and dragged the indignant Fu Xiang away.

Li Yulan knew that his move was more for Fu Xiang, but looking at the backs of the two leaving, she couldn't tell the difference now, because there were still things to deal with -

what needs to be dealt with is the other people who are now staring at each other. Worker.

These workers are all old workers in the factory. They stayed in the factory peacefully as soon as they worked. I have never seen the scene where Li Yulan was fired just after she said that she was fired.

Li Yulan also knew how much impact her actions just now had on these workers, but this was exactly the effect Li Yulan wanted.

During this period of time, the factory's production efficiency was low, and Li Yulan didn't have to think about it to know that it was these workers.

Li Yulan herself has been in the factory, and she knows the current situation of most factories.

Because the factory is owned by the state, everyone is the same in doing more and less. Over time, everyone has learned to grind foreign workers to avoid laziness. Anyway, there will be no rewards for doing too much, and only fools will bury their heads and work hard!

Although the current garment factory has been contracted by Li Yulan, the factory building has not changed, the employees have not changed, and even Dong Fengmao is still in the factory... Except the name of the factory outside the factory has changed, it seems that the factory has not changed. There is no difference.

After the initial freshness passed, the workers began to work hard for a few days, and then began to return to their previous working conditions, resulting in a sharp drop in the production efficiency of the factory.

Knowing this, Li Yulan also took advantage of Fu Xiang's atmosphere in the whole factory.

Looking at the workers whispering below, Li Yulan cleared her throat and said loudly: "I know some of you are dissatisfied with my handling of Fu Xiang just now, but I still say that, this is my factory, I have the right to Handle the workers in my factory."

"The reason why I fired Fu Xiang was indeed because he fought in the workshop, but the more important reason was because of his work attitude. I hope you will remember that this is the Lanman Garment Factory, not the Red Star No. 3 Garment Factory. , I don't care what your relationship with this factory is, but it doesn't work for me."

Li Yulan paused, and continued: "At the same time, I just want to announce something to everyone, Starting today, the wages in the factory will be calculated on a piece rate basis, and you will earn as much as you do every day, and the more you work, the more you get, which is fair." As soon as these

words came out, the workers immediately started discussing.

"Why do you count money by piece? Isn't it bad for those who are slow?"

"I think it's not bad, it's fair!"

"It should be like this, and those who do more and do less will not You should get the same salary!"


Seeing that everyone was talking about it, Li Yulan said again: "I hope you remember that you are working in this factory not for me, but for yourself. After all, the money you earn is also for yourselves. If anyone can't accept it, you are welcome to resign, and I will pay you the full salary you deserve this month."

"If there is no problem, then continue to work now."

Li Yulan finished This sentence left the workshop.

The workers in the workshop looked at each other for a while, and when they saw that someone had started to work, they immediately returned to their positions and started to work quickly.

After all, you can get paid by the piece now!

As for Li Yulan's statement that she could resign if she couldn't stand it, no one took it seriously.

Everyone is stupid to resign!

After such a move, the work efficiency of the factory has also been significantly improved.

Li Yulan was very satisfied with this.

When she mentioned this to Gu Shen, Gu Shen asked, "What about the man you fired? Have you met him recently?"

"You mean that Fu Xiang? It seems that you haven't seen him anymore." Li Yumei frown.

Fu Xiang was born in the factory and lives in the family area near the garment factory with other workers.

But Li Yulan didn't seem to have seen him after he fired him, which is a bit strange.

"I will pick you up every day from now on." Gu Shen said.

"Are you worried about Fu Xiang's revenge? It shouldn't be possible for him, right?" Li Yulan felt that Gu Shen was a little too cautious.

"It's always right to be cautious." Gu Shen said.

Since Gu Shen insisted, Li Yulan didn't object, anyway, it wasn't her who was affected...

But what Li Yulan didn't expect was that Gu Shen's worry was really right.

This afternoon, the phone in Li Yulan's office received a call from Gu Shen's eldest brother.

After being connected, Gu Shen said that he had arrived and asked her to come out quickly.

Since Gu Shen came, Li Yulan also packed up and prepared to go out.

Her office is on the second floor. After locking the office door, looking from the corridor window to the gate of the garment factory, she can see Gu Shen's black Santana parked on the side of the road.

Li Yulan took her handbag and walked downstairs briskly.

As soon as she walked out of the stairs, Li Yulan heard Gu Shen shouting: "Be careful!"

Li Yulan was stunned, and subconsciously ducked to the side.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Gu Shen leap forward and hold a man firmly.

The man groaned in pain, and then a sharp object fell from his hand to the ground.

It was a shiny knife with a chill.

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