Where is Nisha?

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Sahir - Nisha..Nisha..??, Screaming around the school.

Vivek - Sahir..wait..what happened to you?

Sahir - I don't know.. For now please don't ask any questions...just help me in finding Nisha and if you can't do so then please leave.

Vivek - Okay..I will help you. Firstly you calm down. We will find Nisha very soon.

Principal - What's going on here?..why you guys are screaming and roaming around here and there ?..
This is school..not an amusement park.

Varun sir reaches there.

Varun sir - That's what I was coming to tell you, this boy leaves my class without informing me anything.

Sahir - Sir I don't have time for these things. Nisha is missing.. please help me in finding her.

Principal - Who Nisha?..That girl who has issues with Manoj sir ?

Sahir - I said na..we don't have time to explain you all everything, said irritatingly.

Sahir leaves.

Vivek goes behind him.

Sahir - I think Nisha is not in School.

Vivek - yes..as we have almost checked whole school but Nisha is no where.

Sahir - And those boys too...I am sure those boys are behind this..ohhhh damn...if anything happens to Nisha na because of me..I will not able to live with this guilt.

Vivek - Relax..Sahir.. Nothing will happen to Nisha..There is one more place to look at..

Sahir - where?

Vivek - School terrace.

Sahir - Yes.. let's go there.

Sahir and Vivek rushes towards the terrace.

At Terrace

Sahir - Nishaaaaaaa....Nishaaaaa.. Are you there ?

No response came.
But there was smell of cigarette coming.

Vivek - I think someone was smoking here.

Sahir - No ..I think someone is still smoking here.
Check at each corner of the terrace.

They were looking around the terrace, when they heard sound of whispering coming from behind the water tank.

Sahir indicates Vivek to stay quiet.

Sahir goes carefully towards the water tank.

Sahir looked behind the water tank but there was no one.

Vivek - There is no one here.
I think we were hallucinating.

Sahir - Let's check outside of the school..

Sahir and Vivek were going back when Sahir stops and indicates Vivek stay quiet once again.

Sahir starts going towards the water tank once again but this time more carefully.

This time he doesn't check behind the tank but inside the tank.

Sahir - You ????

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