Not a good plan

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"What plan?",asked Shruti.

"Give me your phone",said Nisha.

"But why?",asked Shruti.

"Just give it to me, I am planning something for you",said Nisha.

Shruti gave her phone to Nisha.

Nisha opens the group chat of btech seniors which was created on the day of meet-up.

"I need help, if anyone has seen Nisha  anywhere then please contact me",Nisha wrote in the message and sent it in the group chat.

"What?! What do you just did? Delete it please",said Shruti.

"Shruti, it's our plan",said Nisha.

"Plan?",asked Shruti.

"If Sahir will see your message in the group then only he will come to you na",said Nisha.

"But why will he come to me? You are missing, not me",said Shruti.

"You are not missing but you are definitely very worried for your friend and how can Sahir leave you alone even after knowing that you are worried",said Nisha.

Shruti was trying to understand.

"I thought that if I wrote that you are missing then you will not get to spent time with Sahir as he will roam with me to find you but if I got missing then only you will get chance to spent time with him",said Nisha.

"How sweet! You are such a sweet friend. I love you",said Shruti.

Nisha smiles naughtily.

"You have already messaged in the group that you are missing, hide fast before anyone spots you here",said Shruti.

"Yes",said Nisha.

"But where will you hide?",asked Shruti.

"In the forest that is behind our college",said Nisha.

"Are you sure?",asked Shruti.

"Yes",said Nisha.

Nisha leaves for the forest which was behind their college.

In cafeteria

Sahir was sitting there alone with a cup a coffee and was practicing a note on guitar.

Varun came running towards Sahir.

"Sahir, have you seen the message in the group of juniors?",asked Varun.

"No, why? Is there anything important?",asked Sahir.

"No, not important for me but for you",said Varun.

"What do you mean by that?",asked Sahir.

"Nisha is missing",said Varun.

"What?!",asked Sahir.

Sahir puts his guitar on the table and took out his phone to check the messages.

"Yes, her friend has messaged in the group that if anyone has seen her then they can inform her",said Varun.

Sahir read the message in the group.

He stood up worringly from the chair.

"What were you guys doing then? I had already told you to take proper care of her safety then how did it happen?",screamed Sahir.

"Relax Sahir. I had instructed everyone to not disturb her but I don't know what happened then. Her friend just suddenly messaged in the group",said Varun.

Sahir leaves from there in rush.

On his way to Nisha's classroom, he called Shruti.

Shruti's phone rangs.

"Yessssss! It's Sahir's call",said Shruti excitedly.

Shruti picks up the call.

"Hello",said Shruti.

"Hello, it's Sahir. Where is Nisha? What happened and where are you?",asked Sahir.

"I am in college only",said Shruti.

"Meet me outside your class asap!",said Sahir and disconnected the call.

"Why was he sounding so rude?", thought Shruti.

In Nisha's classroom

Everyone stood up to greet Sahir as it was a rule in their college to greet the seniors.

"Where is Nisha?",asked Sahir to everyone in the class.

Everyone was looking confusingly at each other.

"Stop looking at each other and give answer of my question. Where is Nisha?",asked Sahir.

No answer came from anyone.

"See, I know that you all are disappointed from her because of whatever happened at that meet up day but that doesn't mean that she is  your enemy. It's normal for these things to happen in college. She is actually a nice girl, so please stop this nonsense and please whoever is playing this foul prank, I request you to please stop it. Her friends and family are very worried, now please tell me, where is she?",asked Sahir.

No response came.

"This is the last time I am asking to all of you. Kindly tell me about Nisha or else if I found out..",said Sahir angrily.

"Sir, we seriously don't know anything about her. Varun sir had already warned us about the consequences of disturbing Nisha then why will we do anything wrong with her",said a guy in that class.

"Yes, we don't know anything about Nisha",said everyone.

Sahir leaves from the classroom.

"Hey!",said Shruti.

"Where is Nisha?",asked Sahir.

"I don't know, I am also trying to reach her",said Shruti.

"Wait, can you please elaborate the whole scenario to me?", screamed Sahir.

Shruti felt bad.

"Why are you screaming like this?",asked Shruti.

"What?! Why am I screaming? Are you crazy? Nisha is missing and you are asking me to sit calmly and talk sweetly to you. Why are you wasting so much time? Just tell me where is she? Where have you seen her last? And from how long she is missing?",asked Sahir.

Shruti had no answers for those questions which Sahir had bombarded on her without any warning, infact she was so astonished to see Sahir's worry for Nisha.

"For God sake, please tell me. Where are you lost?",asked Sahir angrily.

Shruti got all panicked on seeing Sahir's this side and in panick, she bursted out everything about their plan infront of Sahir.

Sahir closes his eyes for a moment to calm himself after listening everything from Shruti.

He turned to leave but then stopped there for a second.

"By the way, where is she?",asked Sahir.

"She is hiding in the forest",said Shruti.

"What?!",said Sahir.

"Yes, in the forest which is behind our college",said Shruti.

"What? How did you even let her go there alone? That place is not safe",said Sahir worringly.

Sahir rushed to the forest to find Nisha.

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