Chapter 5: -Gray-

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Something loud clinked in the distance.


A thud sounded somewhere else.


The boy's eyes snapped open, revealing two gray irises. He sat up, groggily rubbing his face. When he was finally aware enough to comprehend his surroundings, he saw Kota was staring at him, a look of concern.

"Hurt...?" Y/N asked Kota, mistaking the boy's expression for one of pain.

"Huh? Oh, no I-I'm okay." Kota told him.

A sudden bang echoed throughout the warehouse and the two boys froze in fear. They sat there on the cold, concrete ground uncertain of what to do. Their eyes wandered the dark abyss of the building, scanning the dented, gray metal walls and searching the many empty shelves. Occasionally, something would clink. A piece of metal would fall, a floorboard would creak, or the roof would groan, but that wasn't the worst of it. It was when things were absolutely silent that it would come. It wasn't super loud and it never lasted more than a few seconds, but to Kota and Y/N that couple of seconds felt like a lifetime. The sound was daunting, scratching their ears like nails did on a chalkboard. Whenever they heard that sound, they'd become like statues, going deathly still, hoping for it to stop and never start again.

The two stayed like that for hours, huddled together in the dark, small forms shivering from something that wasn't merely the cold. Both tired, they struggled to stay awake. The fear of that sound was what kept them up. Then, something else made a noise and it was worse than anything else they'd heard. It was something between a human voice and the cry of an animal. It was the noise that only a monster could make.

"What was that?" Kota asked in a hushed voice, his eyes wide. Y/N shook his head, quickly putting a finger to his lips. This wasn't the time to be talking. There was something alive in there.

Kota opened his mouth to whisper again, but was interrupted by a large snap that came not too far from them. All the blood drained from the two boy's faces. Whatever had made that noise was in the room, with them.

Making an executive decision, Kota stood carefully to his feet, pulling Y/N with him. It was time they went. No more sitting around. Grabbing the younger boy's hand, Kota led them away from their spot and away from that thing.

He navigated them through the pitch black and they managed to get a good distance away before a fatal mistake was made. Y/N tripped on a piece of broken piping and fell to the floor with a thud. The metal rod went skidding across the floor, making a loud scraping sound.

A horrible screech filled the once silent air, tearing through their ear drums. The two boys didn't have to say anything, their bodies already in motion. They ran like their lives depended on it—because their lives did depend on it. Y/N could hear a loud thump as the creature ran after them, its claws grinding into the ground with each movement. It was catching up to them.

"Over there!" Kota shouted as they turned a corner. Right down the hallway was a door. It shined brightly, light from the room behind it casting its way into the darkness. Finally able to see somewhat clearly, the two boys raced down the corridor, the monster still right on their tails.

That's when Kota noticed that they'd be caught before they could reach the door. He'd have to act fast if at least one of them was going to survive. And he knew exactly what he was going to do.

The monster was so close Kota could almost feel it breathing down his neck, but before it could do anything more, he grabbed one of the metal shelves and pulled with all his strength. The beast was sent tumbling to the floor and Kota along with it.

Flames Of Fate (mha x male child reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora