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I wrote this chapter ages ago. Let me know of any suggestions!

I was laying in my bed thinking about what just happened.

I accidentally startled Lucian so when he turned around he gripped my arm and left a large bruise on it. He freaked out than kept going on about how he needed to be punished. Dad came into the room next and also freaked out when he saw what Lucian did. He thought he did it purposely and punched Lucian square in the mouth. Than I started crying because it scared me than my brothers took me out of the room to comfort me.

So right now I was laying in bed waiting for either dad or Lucian to come upstairs. It's been a few hours and they haven't. We're they really upset about it? It wasn't anything new to me. I had been gripped plenty of times on the arm, usually by my mother. And I knew that it was an accident. Lucian wouldn't have done that if I didn't startle him. I mean it was a hard grip but still.

I decided to go find them. Maybe they were fighting?

I made my way downstairs and past my brothers. I heard that Lucian spends a lot of time in the basement when he wasn't at the clubhouse. So I went to check down there.

As soon as I opened the door a smell of decay hit my nose. I almost wanted to throw up. What was down here?

I quietly made my way down the steps. They were stone and I could easily slip down them.

At the bottom the smell was worse. And there was lots of halls. I heard my dads voice far away. That was the direction I went in.

"Lucian, don't." I heard him more clearly now. "Emily will see you all bruised up." Dad said. What was happening?

"I hurt her." Lucian said. His voice was darker and I thought it was a different person at first.

"It was an accident." Dad seemed to be trying to reason with him.

"I don't care." Lucian said.

Finally I found where they were. If I peeked around a corner I would see them. So carefully I peeked my head so I could just see them. But when I did, I had to immediately look away.

Lucian was sitting in a locked cell on a single chair. He had a bruise on his cheek and eye. Probably from my dad. But why was he in there.

"Lucian if Emily saw you she'd be frightened." Dad said. He seemed to turn and walk the other direction. He shut a door and I knew he was gone.

I stepped out of my hiding spot. Lucian lifted his eyes and immediately stood up.

"What are you doing down here? Darling, please go back upstairs." Lucian pleaded.

"W- why did you l- lock yourself u- up?" I asked.

"I hurt you." Lucian said. He said it in the saddest why I've ever heard anyone speak. It was like a hurt puppy.

"Luci, I'm ok. It was an accident." I assured him.

"I'm sorry." He said. I've never seen him so vulnerable.

"Where is the key?" The door had a very heavy lock on it and the key wasn't anywhere near.

"I'm the room Logan went." Lucian pointed to the room my dad disappeared into. I stepped away from Lucian and started towards it. "Please don't." Lucian begged. What was in here?

I ignored Lucian and opened the steel door. Inside was a storage room. Tools lined the walls on shelves or hanging. Many rusted or dull while other looked pristine.

"Emily?" My dad was hanging something on the wall opposite the door. It was the keys!

"C- can I have t- the keys?" I held my hand out. I tried to ignore the tools and what they were used for.

"Lucian chose to be in there. He doesn't want to be let out." Dad warned.

"I didn't say I wanted to let him out." I said.

"Emily, you aren't going in there." Dad folded his arms.

"Please." I begged. Dad sighed before handing me the key.

"He hurts you I'm shooting." He said and pulled out his hand gun. I knew Lucian wasn't going to hurt me.

I exited the room and unlocked the cell Lucian was in. I stepped inside than locked the door.

"Darling..." Lucian tried to push me back out.

"I'm not leaving you in here alone." I said. Lucian didn't seem to want to argue so he just sat on the floor against the wall, leaving the chair open for me. I didn't want the chair.

I sat right down in between his legs. It didn't take Lucian long to wrap his arms around me. He saw my bruised arm and lifted it to his lips. He left gentle kisses where the hand mark was.

"Sorry, darling." He buried his nose into my neck.

"It's alright, luci, I'm ok."

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