Chapter 22.5: June 14, 1987

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Jimmie awoke to Steven's soft snores rumbling, his cheek resting against her head in their intimately close position on the couch. The TV was re-running some pick of generic sitcoms, quiet laugh tracks playing every few minutes on cue. His heavy arm weighed over her shoulders like a blanket as she silently relished in the comfort of him. A small creak echoed from the wood floorboards under Duff's footsteps when he entered the room, a smugly cheeky grin on his lips as his hazel eyes fell to the pair.

"Ah, young love." he sighed comically, clasping his hands together on the side of his face and fluttering his eyelashes. Jimmie laughed and began maneuvering her way from under Steven- her throat had grown quite dry during their nap, and the growing night outside hinted that they were asleep for longer than intended.

"If you don't mind," she said lightheartedly, "I'd like some water." He straightened his figure from leaning against the doorway and stared down at her, sporting a smart-assed smile, "Throat a little... achey?"

"You are so very funny, Duff. Has anyone ever told you that?" The girl rolled her eyes while watching the water rise to the brim of the red plastic cup.

"A few times. I don't like to brag, though."

Jimmie glanced to him over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow and a smirk before shaking her head, "So humble. It's charming, really." Before Duff could continue their playful banter, Slash waltzed into the living room with towel-wrapped curls along with another thrown around his waist, "'Sup, fuckers."

"Hey," Duff chuckled, then his eyes dropped to Slash's cloth, which was dangerously loose and he began laughing , "Might wanna trim the hedges next time, man."

Jimmie followed suit by looking as well, and suddenly they were cackling and wiping their tears at Slash's wild and offensively untamed pubes. "Alright, alright," The guitarist began attempting a subtle readjustment of his garment behind the counter accompanied with a mumble, "It's not that funny."

"Holy hell- welcome to the jungle, amirite?" Jimmie added, soon falling back into a fit of laughter, clutching at her stomach. Again, Duff joined her and Slash was left standing, staring at them with an unamused glare. After a few minutes, they managed to settle their chorus of howls into small giggles. "All out of your system? All done now?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips and looking between the pair as if he were an expectant mother.

"All done." Jimmie said, smiling with the apples of her cheeks flushed red. Slash nodded with tight lips and rolled his eyes, "Anyway, what's up- you guys drinking without me?"

"Yup." Duff retorted quickly, though he had no beverage in his hand. Slash's bottom lip subtly pouted out and Jimmie chuckled.

"It's water, actually. You should try it, but it might be an acquired taste for you." She tilted out the cup to him and gently swirled around the liquid. The guitarist's nose crinkled, shaking his head as he responded, "No thanks. It's almost 10, and basically a crime to drink anything but liquor past dark." Jimmie furrowed her eyebrows and Duff scoffed, laughing quietly behind her.

"Speaking of," he continued, "We should go party tonight."

"Or to a double A meeting." Jimmie mumbled, half-sarcastic. Her mind sank to thinking about Steven's overdose and the mistakes that would evidently follow going out with the band. "Don't you guys do anything but party?"

"We play music sometimes." Steven joined with a tired rasp in his voice, slithering his hands around the girl's waist and pulling her gently back into his chest.

"Sometimes," she repeated, bringing her arms to rest over his, "Did Duff and I wake you up?" Small shivers traversed her skin as he hummer a quiet 'no' in response. "They were making fun of me." Slash whined, looking pointedly at Duff. "Nah, totally weren't." the bassist responded, their chatter falling into the muffled background as Jimmie and Steven fell into a trance. Soft lips found the dunes of her collarbone as he began kissing her skin. Duff and Slash exchanged knowing glances, though both held discreetly opposite undertones. Duff's lips slightly quirked and he cleared his throat obnoxiously, "Well, I guess we'll be seeing our way out."

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