Chapter 6

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(Cain Territory)

Name:ParasaurolophusHeight:16 feet

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Height:16 feet.

Currently 3 Parasaurolophus were surrounding Cain. Cain just stared at them as they did so. He had stumbled into their territory and they did not want to talk this out peacefully so he was left with no other choice. He roars at the Parasaurolophus and they lower their heads before charging at him. He moves to the left and the ones that were in front and they ended up headbutting each other. The third one continues charging but Cain uses his tail to sweep it to the ground. It gets back up and it tries charging once more but Cain smacks it across the head with his tail and he falls to the ground. He turns to the other Parasaurolophus and one was charging at him. He moves to the side once more and the Parasaurolophus runs past him. However Cain bites into it's side causing it to scream in pain. He then lifts it off the ground and throws it to the other one. Defeated and I hired the Parasaurolophus retreat. Cain roars for his victory.

Trisha:"Don't you think you were a little to brutal?"

Trisha says walking to his side.

Cain:"No. I was feeling merciful hence why I let them escape"

Trisha:"You felt merciful?"

Cain:"Yes. Now where is your family?"


Cain:"Your family. you can't expect me to be with you twenty four seven"

Trisha:"Oh well their all dead"

Trisha says looking saddened.

Trisha:"They were killed by those dinosaurs that were chasing me. My dad told me to escape but they killed him and they were about to do the same to me until you showed up"

Cain sighs.

Cain:"Guess I'm stuck with you for awhile"

Cain starts walking away.

Trisha:"Hey wait up! Your too fast!"

Trisha says running after him.

Trisha:"So Cain how did you become the scariest dinosaur here? Everyone in my family were scared of encountering you"

Cain:"I had been brought here at a young age. The dinosaurs I was around however weren't the nicest. I had to hide and scavenge for food until I became a juvenile then I was taller than most and very few bothered challenging me"

Trisha:"Wait! You're a juvenile?!"

Cain:"Yes but I think I'm about to hit adolescence very soon"

Trisha:"So I'm older than you?!"

Cain:"It would seem so"

Trisha:"Wow. All this time I thought you were like an elder dinosaur with how people talked about you but now you go and tell me your an juvenile?"

Cain:"Yes it is hard to believe but it is the truth"

Trisha:"You know I was awfully curious why there was only one of. I thought you had kids or something"

Cain;"Can we talk about something else?"


But the two heard a road behind them. They turn around and there was a giant Allosaurus but unlike the last this one was big. It stood at a height of 19 feet while the average adult is 16.

Cain:"You should hide somewhere"


Cain:"Just do it"

Trisha runs off into the forest and Cain walks closer to the Allosaurus.

Cain:"So let me guess you want to fight me?"

Allosaurus:"You have killed my son and mate. I am here to avenge them by claiming your head!"

Cain smiles sadistically.

Cain:"Well then give it your best shot"

The Allosaurus charges at Cain and Cain does the same. The two collide against each other and Cain uses his arms to grab the Allosaurus neck and throw it to the ground. He stomps on the ground but the Allosaurus rolls out of the way and it jumps on Cain. It starts trying to bite him but Cain holds it's mouth open and he starts pulling on it's lower Jaw. The Allosaurus muscles start to tear apart and it starts roaring in pain. It starts clawing at Cain in a desperate attempt to get out. But his arms couldn't reach Cain and it was stuck flailing around. Cain continues pulling it's lower jaw until he rips it off. Blood starts spraying all over him as the Allosaurus' movements become weaker and weaker. Cain then throws it away and it crushes to the ground. Cain stands up an he walks over to the dying Allosaurus.

Cain:"You will join your family"

Cain says before stomping on his head finally putting him out of his misery. Trisha who was watching was horrified by his brutality and she gets out of her hiding spot.


She shouts at him.

Trisha:"Why did you kill him?! You could have just let him go!"

Cain ignores her and he walks to a lake that is close by.

Trisha:"Don't ignore me!"

She follows him. Cain arrives at the lake and he puts his head underwater cleaning the blood on his face. He removes his head and Trisha starts talking once again.

Trisha:"Cain killing every dinosaur here isn't good"

Cain:"So you think if that dinosaur had managed to beat me then it would just let me go"

Trisha:"No I-"

Cain:"Trisha. This place is very dangerous there is no room for mercy. The weak willed die while the strong ones live. You're lucky I was the one who found you since no other dinosaur here has the guts go try fighting an Allosaurus. Let alone two"

Trisha stays silent.

Cain:"But that doesn't mean you have to start killing. Not all deserve to die alright?"

Trisha:"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry"

Cain:"It's fine. Now I'm sure you haven't eaten yet"

Trisha:"Yeah I guess your right"

Cain:"What do you mean by you guess?

Trisha:"I didn't mean to say that"

Trisha and Cain start walking away.

Trisha:"Cain you know about mating season?"

Cain:"No. should I?"

Trisha:"I'll tell you when you're older"

The two continue walking until Cain hears the same roar he heard yesterday and it seems Like Trisha heard it to.

Cain:"What is going on out there?"

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