Chapter 12

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(A few years ago)
In an underground arena there were alot of people in there. But this wasn't any normal arena. A Pachycephalosaurus falls to the ground unconscious.

Stranger:"How could you lose?!"

A random individual speaks up as another person starts to speak.

Stranger 2:"You lost now pay up!"

Yes folks this is an illegal dinosaur ring. The owner wasn't aware of this at all but how did it come to be. Well it was due to Victor. He had figured out this would be one of the best ways to make quick money. So he started this with the help of Henry Wu. Henry had agreed to this cause he would get more money to continue his experiments.

Victor:"Now everyone! The champion is here!"

He says as he opens a large cage. Cain runs out he was taller than last time now he stood at a height of 12 feet and  he had some scars around his body. Instantly the crowd started to go crazy betting on who would win and who would lose.

Stranger:"I'll give it a shot"

The stranger says as he's cage opens up. A carnotaurus steps out standing at a height of 10 feet. It was an adult and it was staring at Cain with killer intent. Cain roars at the Carnotaurus and the two charge each other. The Carnotaurus bites Cain's neck but he swipes it's stomach with his claws. The Carnotaurus let's go and it whops Cain with it's Tail. It was about to do it a second time but Cain bites it's tail and he rips it off. The dinosaur roars in pain. Cain spits the Tail away as the Carnotaurus turns to him. It lowers it's head and it hits Cain in the stomach. Cain falls to the ground.

Stranger:"It seems we might have a new champion!"

Cain starts to get back up. The Carnotaurus lowers it's head ready to smash into Cain's skull. Cain rolls to the side and the Carnotaurus hits a wall. It raises it's head to see humans and in and it starts to roar in anger as it starts to violently murder them. The people start to panic and instantly cops surround the area.


An officer yells from a speaker everyone runs out of the front door not wanting to stay with the two wild Dinosaurs. The are arrested and Claire with some people they tranquilizers at both Cain and the Carnotaurus. Cain doesn't pass out instantly and he stares at Claire before he passes out. A few days after this incident Victor and Henry are placed into Masrani's office.

Masrani:"How could you have done this?!"

Masrani asks Victor.

Masrani:"You know how much money it cost me to bail you out aswell as pay those officers go keep their mouths shut about this?!"

Masrani turns to Henry.

Masrani:"Wu how could you have let this happen? And don't say you don't know cause I have already been told you were in on this"

The two remain silent.

Masrani:"That's it. Victor you will now be getting payed 60 percent of your original salary"


Masrani:"You want me to make it 40?"

Victor sits back down in silence.

Masrani:"Since I have use for you Henry. You will only be getting 90 percent of your original pay but one thing is for sure. You are both banned from ever going near the Ultinamus Rex! You understand?!"

The two men nod.

Masrani:"Now get out of my office!"

(Present time)

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