The Day it All Began

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Another successful day on the site. You thanked all the divine beings above and below. You got to the train station. You'd finally be leaving the study site, albeit only for a week, but still more than you've been able to due since you started working on it a couple years ago.

The announcements started "Attention à tous les passagers, ce train ne s'arrête pas tant que nous n'avons pas atteint notre pays de destination, l'Angleterre. Il y aura trois arrêts, une fois arrivés. Veuillez planifier en conséquence." It said in French, "attention all passengers, this train does not stop until we reach our designated country of England. Once we are there, we will only be making 3 stops, please plan accordingly." The announcements finish.
You sigh, this is going to be a long trip. But it will all be worth it, you try to convince yourself.


Hey, Juni!
I'm on the bus
Why the hell aren't
you answering?!
You better have not
jumped into the back
of a strangers truck again!

I feel the need to inform
you that I am not Juni and
I sure as hell didn't jump
into the back of a strangers

Oh sorry, sir/ma'am/person/thing
Are you busy atm?

What does that mean?
And it's sir

Sir, are you older
than Captain America?
atm means at the
moment. And ignore the insult,
it's impulse

Don't worry about it
Also thank you

Anytime, and it's ma'am
What should I call you,
kind stranger?

Like my name?

Yes or a nickname if you
can't share that
You just can't stay as Unknown
forever now can you?

I guess your right
I'll have to ask my friend first
He's better at this technology
thing and would probably know
what I should share or not
Give me a few minutes

No worries, stranger
I'll still be here. It's not like
this train ride will end anytime

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