Of To Somewhere

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Tis unfortunately been a week. That gives Thanos more time to get the stones. We don't even know what we're up against. We're assuming he knows how to use the stones, and I'm the one closest to being able to use them.

I spent a lot of time with Steve, Bucky, and Nat. Idk it just feels good to be prepared. Juni, Will and I went out a couple of times because we don't really like the tower. I mean, it's great and all, but we need some freedom.

Wilbur destroyed the kitchen many times and found a secret game room he has been streaming in. Juni has been messing with anyone and everyone's electronics. They're teaching Nat how to do some tricks and Clinton some stuff too.

That leaves today. Juni, Will and I are in the game room. I'm sitting on my phone, Wilbur's playing a Mario game and Juni's doing Juni stuff.

"Holy shit," Juni curses, breaking the silence and causing me to look up.

"Hm?" Wilbah says, totally caring.

"Thanos is going to Wakanda with his army," she explains.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Hacked into their ships," she replies nochalantly.

"Ceiling dude," I ask, "get all the Avengers here in a minute please."

"Of course, Ms. General," it replies.

Everybody's gathered here.

"Thanos is off to Wakanda. They're quite nice so I'd like to protect them," I explain.

"Wakanda?" Wanda asks.

"And are you defending Thanos or the Wakandan people?" Tony asks.

"It's a cut off country in Africa. It's where vibranium comes from. And I'm defending the Wakandans, geez," I answer.

"Wait, how do you know them?" Bucky asks.

"Missions," I explain. "Oh and King T'challa and I have a bit of a past. A little something regarding the death of his father. He was a great man. Don't worry, though. I'm not like secretly sleeping with him. We're pretty good friends."

Steve looks ten times more relieved after I add that last bit. Both Bucky and Nat look between us and smirk.

"So who's down to go to Wakanda?" I ask.

Juni's the first to put their hand up, followed by Wilbur.

"Nah mates. Juni I need you to fuck with their ships, and Will, as tall as you are, you're weak as fuck," I shoot them down.

"But content?" he complains.

"But your life is important to many more people," I fake complain. "The rest of you have no choice. Off to the Quinjet."

I text T'challa that we're coming and he just sends a thumbs up.

The next day, all of us, Fury's space friends and Wakandans included face off against Thanos.

"Verdict," he says, seeing everyone arrive.

"Bitch," I greet him.

"Give me the stones," he demands.

"Lol nope," I say out loud and then immediately cringe.

A blue stone on his gauntlet lights up and suddenly T'challa is coming at me with a spear.

"Go," I shout to everyone, "I can hold him off." I assume they hear me because they go and charge Thanos.

That leaves me and T'challa. Me and Black Panther. A dude in a full vibranium bodysuit complete with vibranium claws and me in a jumper and a knife.

We spar and spar and spar. Neither one of us gets a real hit. That is until I block with my non-knife arm. He cuts open my sleeve, which I'm slightly pissed off about because I liked this jumper and my arm. I start bleeding and immediately he snaps out of it.

"Good to have you back, buddy," I remark.

"I'm sorry," he immediately apologizes.

"It's gonna be fine. I just need a breather. Get a hit on Thanos for me, will ya?" I ask.

He nods and runs off. My vision has spots. It's not supposed to do that. I go to take a step forward and down I go. The only person to see it?


He helps me and haphazardly patches up my arm. It starts to feel a bit better when I start glowing.

Patched you up, boss. Go kill an alien.

Yes, of course.

I stand up and run right at Thanos. I got the stones to create a forcefield around me that kept everyone out of the way.

"Foolish," I remark to myself.

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