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The sun was setting and it looked marvelous. The lush leaves of the trees blew as the breeze went past them. The air felt cool as if it had just been cleaned.

Nandini sat in the balcony, on a chair, gazing up at the sky. Like always, she was fascinated by every little detail of nature. The birds passing through the sky fascinated her. Her overthinking brain thought who were the parents and who were the children. She always went this deep into everything.

"I don't see any stars at the moment." Nandini, who was so engrossed looking at nature, shrieked loudly and fell off her chair. She tightly clutched her heart, breathing heavily as she heard someone snort behind her. Footsteps creeped behind her and soon the person who had scared her was right in front of her.

Armaan snorted as he saw how scared Nandini had gotten. She went from her chair, straight to the ground. Obviously that was funny. Nandini glared at Armaan as he stared at her amused, a smirk sitting on the corner of his lips.

"I'm going to have a heart attack one day because of you creeping behind me." she said, anger on the tip of her nose. "Hopefully it's soon then." he sarcastically retorted. Nandini angrily looked at him, blowing away the piece of hair that was falling on her face. Armaan wanted to pull her nose because of her anger.

Armaan decided to be nice for once and lended Nandini his hand to stand back up. But Nandini was to irritated with him to use his help, so she instead ignored his hand and got up herself, wiping her hands together. Armaan took back his hand and looked away, muttering, "That's why people don't deserve kindness."

Nandini just rolled her eyes before he could see. "What are you doing home so early?" Nandini asked. It had hit her that it was not even eight yet and he was already back. That was very unlike Armaan. "You complain I always work and now your complaining I came home early?" Armaan arched an eyebrow at her.

"I was just asking because you don't come back home early without a reason." she stated. She had found out a lot about Armaan in the past months and it was as if she knew him entirely but at moments she'd feel as if she barley even knew him. "Well your correct then because I do have a reason." "Which is..?" Nandini narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm going out to meet a client but I needed to change first. I would've asked a worker but the restaurant is on the way." Nandini 'oh'd' at that silently. "What's there to change? You always look ready for a business meeting." she said in a 'duh' tone. "These clients are very professional. I need to look and seem just as professional as them." he replied. "I wish you knew that no one could be a more sadu or professional man then you. I bet those clients have a life at least." she thought to herself.

"Then go change and leave. Why are you wasting your time with me?" "Such a hurry to kick me out of my own house I see. But don't be too flattered. I only came to talk to you because I was looking for a tie but I realized where it was. But I'm glad I came to talk because I got to see you fall." Nandini glared at him as he sarcastically smiled. He moved to go back inside as she huffed. "Yaar, kahan par mujhe dooba diya hai!"

• • • • •

Walking into the room after closing the balcony door, Nandini stopped in her steps as she looked at the Greek God in front of her. Armaan was wearing his watch, all dressed up to go to a high class business meeting. Nandini couldn't help herself but drool over her husband. Even if she showed no liking towards Armaan, she was still attracted to him. She knew he was a very good looking man, way to good looking for his own good and she couldn't help but always think how they even got matched together.

"What the fuck." She snapped out of her drooling moment as she noticed Armaan looking at his phone with a pissed off expression. "What happened now?" she sighed. Something always made him angry so she was quite bored with these talks now. "They canceled the damn meeting last minute." Nandini accidentally let out a tiny laugh but immediately bit the inside of her cheek as Armaan glared at her.

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