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Five Months Later

The cool breeze didn't stop the city from being any less chaotic. People were going here and there, trying to catch buses and get to their work places. The doors of coffee shops were opening and closing after a person walked in and out, a mandatory cup of coffee in their hand to start their day with.

Walking into the hospital, she greeted the receptionist with a smile and headed towards his office, known to every corner of the hospital. The two cups of coffee rested in her hands as she entered the elevator. Pressing the floor button with her pinky, she smiled back at the women in the elevator.

The elevator dinged as the doors slid open. Walking out, she made her way towards the familiar pathway, headed towards the office. She greeted people on the way with her gorgeous smile, like she always did. On upon reaching his office, without knocking, she opened the door and walked inside.

Seeing her presence, a smile made its way towards his lips. "You're early." Nandini smiled as she walked over to his desk and placed his cup of coffee. "I was getting bored alone at home so I thought, why not just annoy you?" Nandini said, sitting in the chair in front of him. "Of course, it has become your hobby."

Ayaan chuckled as Nandini took a sip of her coffee, a disgusted expression playing on her face. "I swear, it turns worse and worse each time." Nandini muttered, pushing the cup of coffee towards Ayaan. "So, how are you both doing?" Ayaan asked, relaxing back in his chair and taking a sip of his coffee.

"Not so great. He keeps annoying me. And he doesn't he even let me sleep." Nandini pouted, causing Ayaan to chuckle. "You are such a child Nandini." he shook his head, cleaning up his desk slightly. "But seriously, why are you here so early? You're appointment is in forty-five minutes." he asked, confused seeing her early as Nandini is never early.

"I took the bus early, thinking it will be late like always, but I guess it decided to finally follow the schedule." Nandini groaned. Ayaan furrowed his eyebrows, leaning against the desk. "You took the bus?" Nandini slowly nodded, looking away from his gaze. "Really Nandini!? The bus? I told you they aren't safe. And in this state...you should've called me, I would've picked you up." Ayaan scolded her.

Nandini bit her lip, knowing she had made a mistake. "Sorry na. I just, I didn't want to burden you any more. You already have done so much." Nandini placed her hand on his. Ayaan sighed seeing her puppy eyes. "Fine. I'm letting you off the hook just this once. But next time, you either call me or text me before going on a bus or in a cab." Nandini immediately nodded, not wanting to piss Ayaan off anymore.

"And never, don't again ever say that you are a burden on me. Because you aren't. You're my family." Ayaan squeezed her hands lightly, giving her a tight-lipped smile. Nandini lightly smiled back, feeling even more grateful then ever to have him in her life.

Nandini took her hands back, wanting to change the atmosphere up a bit. "It's warm in here. But it has gotten even colder outside. You can't leave the house without putting on at least five different layers." Nandini shook her head, taking off her coat and putting it on the back of her chair. "This is London baby. This is nothing yet." Nandini groaned, unable to even imagine the coming months of winter in London.

A knock landed on the door, bringing them out of their conversations. The door opened and a women peaked her head through, making sure Ayaan didn't have any patients. Seeing the women sitting in front of Ayaan, she pushed the door open and walked in, a huge smile playing on her lips. Nandini got up seeing her and took her in for a hug.

"You're already here Nandini?" she asked, sitting down on the chair next to Nandini's. "Yea, I thought to come early to annoy Ayaan." Nandini giggled. She chuckled seeing Nandini. "Excuse me, I'm also here." Both the women looked at Ayaan, who was pointing his fingers at him as if they had forgotten him, which they had.

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