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ellie grazer
#. 019

𝗜 𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗗 away my final text book and stretched out my legs, finally completing my homework and some studying. It was only Tuesday and I was already trying not to drown in this weeks current work. I was trying to stay on top of it all but I had lost a lot of motivation in trying to get it all done as soon as possible. I pulled out my new book, Ugly Love, and opened it to the first page, deciding that I wanted a chill night. I wasn't really interested in doing anything else really and I was excited in starting my new book.

If I was being honest, I was trying to find distractions. Alina was currently sitting over at the desk, doing her makeup, for tonight's festivities. From what I had gathered from her loud and obnoxious phone call, was that she and her friends were going to a club with fake ID's. She had been on the phone with Tyler and he was trying to convince her to wear a dress to help 'get them into the club easier'. It seemed like he didn't really give a shit that she was uncomfortable with it as he ignored her constant displays of hesitance and distaste towards the dress suggestion. Boyfriend of the year.

It was a Tuesday. It was almost mid week and she was already drinking while having class tomorrow. It wasn't any of my business but I just couldn't understand why she'd agree to such a thing on a Tuesday. It wasn't Friday and it wasn't a Saturday. I wasn't even in the mood to deal with her drunk antics but I had heard a claim that she would be staying over at his. As much as I didn't want to deal with her being drunk, I didn't want her to go back to his. My feelings towards him were out of bitterness and selfishness now but I didn't care. He was a shit guy and I don't think he'd look after her drunken self at all.

We hadn't talked at all really. Since Saturday, no words had been exchanged at all. We'd met eyes a few times and sometimes the gaze was even held but we hadn't said anything. I was keeping my distance away from her really and she was doing the same thing. I didn't really know what I felt about the whole thing apart from feeling really hurt. I couldn't stop replaying what was said between us and I'd be lying if I said that it didn't keep me up at night. I regretted a lot of the things that happened and a few of the things that were said because the after effects of it all was beginning to hurt like hell.

I missed her voice. I missed her sweet and gentle touch and I missed the way she looked at me. We looked at each other differently now and it felt like I didn't know her at all. I didn't know how long it would take until we would be at least talking again and I didn't know who was going to initiate the first conversation. We were both stubborn in our own ways but the silence was like torture for me. She would be leaving soon and I didn't want to leave with absolutely nothing said between us. I didn't know what to do. Right now, I was just loathing and it felt like grief.

I'd finished page three of my book before I started to snatch glances at Alina who was pulling a satin, saturated pink dress over her body. I shouldn't have been looking so I pulled my eyes away and sat them back onto my book. She really was going to wear a dress.

Continuing to read my book, I almost didn't hear her struggles. I only really fell out of the depths of my book when a loud sigh painted the walls of the room.

"I can't reach." Her voice was tiny and as I looked at her, I could see her already staring at me. I took note of the bagginess of the dress and how it sat a bit weirdly on her. "Can you zip it up for me?" Again, her tone was quiet. I could hear how much she didn't want to talk and I didn't really know if I wanted to talk back.

Our eyes stayed on each other's the whole time, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. It was quiet but I needed to say something. I gently closed my book while nodding my head.

"Yeah." The words left my mouth as a mutter and I slowly began to get up and off the bed.

I walked towards her while she turned around and brought her hair over her shoulder. I was a little shorter than Alina so it was easier for me to zip up the dress. I lightly tugged on the two pieces of fabric and pulled them closer together while using my other hand to slowly glide the zipper up her body. I don't know why the air felt tense all of a sudden but it did. There had been tension between us since Friday but the tension between us now felt a little different. It wasn't off putting and was slightly endearing.

I reached the very top of her dress and accidentally brushed my fingers across her skin as I pulled my hands away. I didn't move and neither did she. I was staring at the back of her while she looked straight ahead. The dress really was beautiful and it looked so pretty on her. I actually had to fight back the urge to call her beautiful. It had become a natural saying for me and having to put it off made me feel almost queasy.


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"Thanks." It was breathy and quiet and she didn't look back to me. The tension became even greater for some reason and I had to swallow a clump in my throat. I couldn't talk this time. It's not because I didn't want to, it was because I physically couldn't. I was nervous now and my stomach felt fluttery. My thighs actually pushed together and I didn't know why I was this flustered so suddenly.

I had to turn away after that and return to my book. I hid away my hot cheeks and tried to get rid of the flush in my body while burying myself back into my book, that I couldn't read.

Alina moved straight to the vanity mirror after that and I noticed how she stood there for a little too long. I looked over my book and to see her pulling on the dress and adjusting it. Her face said it all, she didn't want to wear it. She hated dresses and even though she looked so beautiful in it, she was so clearly uncomfortable. I cant believe he was actually making her wear this. She should've just wore what she wanted too. It broke my heart to see her so physically uncomfortable.

She moved around the room and was in and out of the bathroom multiple times as she added a few more last minute additions to herself. She ended up pairing her dress with a little shoulder bag and a pair of heels. Her hair was curly and it shaped her face really nicely. She looked so lovely.

She sat on her bed for a bit after that, obviously texting, before standing up and gave herself one more spritz of perfume. She walked through the room and past my bed but she seemed to stop and wait a second. It felt like she was waiting for something and I looked up at her to catch her hesitating. However, she only shook her head and looked at me, shunning away her actual thoughts.

"I'll lock you in." She spoke gently, her melodic voice still holding the same feeling of not actually wanting to talk.

I nodded. "Okay." My voice wasn't the same either but the way we looked at each other wasn't anything new. We'd given each other the same look before but no one was going to really understand the meaning of the stare.

She blinked at me and I could almost see the slight gloss in her eyes. I knew what it was and she didn't stay long after that. She didn't stay at all actually because she had left my sight quickly and I could hear the door open and close at a particularly fast rate.

Have fun.


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