9 | Nightmare

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I paid for all of our snacks and severely underestimated how much movie concessions cost. $25 for two drinks, candy, and popcorn was ridiculous, but I was trying hard not to be the worst date ever. Something had to make up for the fact that I was sweating bullets in the middle of the theater. Lilli sat to my right and happily sipped her $7 Slurpee as the lights began to dim and, suddenly, I became overwhelmingly aware that I would be stuck beside her for the next two hours. This was a nightmare.

Actually, this was a nightmare, because the movie on screen was nothing short of horrific. I'll admit it; I am a huge, indisputable, scaredy-cat. I'm scared of storms and the dark and, of course, horror movies. So, if sitting beside a girl you're not interested in doesn't already create the world's worst date, being trapped watching your greatest fears before you certainly seals the deal. The entire first half had me wincing and jumping and almost screaming on multiple occasions. Lilli didn't flinch once. In fact, she smiled at most parts. Who on earth would've guess that Lilli Sanders found horror films funny?

She was braver than me for a number of reasons. Aside from her stoic stare at the screen as a murderer sliced his victims in half, Lilli also took the chance to hold my hand and rest her head on my shoulder. I was overthinking the entire situation. My head was a jumbled mess of What if my shoulder is too bony? Is she uncomfortable? Am I sweating through my shirt? Are my hands sweating? Does she think I'm a baby for getting legitimately scared? Should I be more relaxed right now? Why do I feel like I'm about to throw up? But, after an excruciating two hours, the movie ended and I left the theater traumatized.

"That blood looked so fake, right?" Lilli asked as we walked into the lobby, still hand in hand.

"Oh, yeah. For sure," I replied, pretending I hadn't shut my eyes every time blood popped up.

"Sorry I picked out such a cheesy movie," she said. "I thought it was gonna be good. I guess you should pick the next one, right?"

Next one? She enjoyed herself? She wanted a second date?

"Haha... Yeah."

We walked out of the lobby doors and were greeted by night. I was still shaken and the dark wasn't helping, but Lilli seemed perfectly fine.

"So, why did you ask me out? You could've a long time ago... You know, during school."

"Right," I said.

Right then was the perfect time to rip the bandaid off- Just tell her that I'm really not attracted to her and I have no idea why. I should be attracted to her. Lilli Sanders is pretty and smart and funny and kind... So why does the idea of dating her feel like a nightmare? What is wrong with me?

"I just wanted to wait till summer. You know, I was so focused on schoolwork."

She smiled at me and separated our hands. "Well, I had a really good time," she said. "Thank you for inviting me out."

Lilli leaned in and for one moment I was terrifyingly sure she would try to kiss me, but she just pressed her lips to my cheek before pulling away. Her lip gloss stuck to my skin and I desperately wanted to wipe it off, but I'm not a dick.

"I'll text you," she said with a smile as a car rolled up to the curb. "Bye, Apollo."

I gave her a wave and she walked off, entering the car and driving away. "Shit," I mumbled to myself.


"You've grown up so fast," Nicolas gushed after I told him everything about our date. We were sitting on my sofa with a bottle of soda in my hand and a mug of tea in his. "I remember when you were just a little 3rd grader!"

"Shut up," I laughed.

"I'm serious, Ollie! Your first ever date," he smiled. "It's a big deal!"

"I don't know... I kinda felt weird the whole time."

"Yeah, everyone gets nervous on dates. I mean, I had been on a billion dates with Jackie and I still got nervous around her all the time." I shrugged absently before taking a sip of soda. "Look, if you feel tense when you're with a girl, it's probably just because you like her. Butterflies, or whatever."

"I guess you're right."

Nico nodded proudly. "I know I am. And, I'm really happy for you. Not only did you go on your first date ever, but she basically confirmed that she wants a second one. You've got game."

"I do not."

"You do!"

I chuckled and stared down at my hands for a while. "So, how did Jackie react to you leaving the for entire summer?"

Nicolas let out this strange, nervous laugh. "Uh, I guess we're technically taking a break right now," he said. "She isn't mad that I'm away or anything, but I think it's just too hard for her to keep a relationship up when we can't even see each other in person. Like, we usually see each other every day."

"Does it feel weird now that you're not?"

"Kind of? I don't know... It's a bit of a relief. Nobody tells you how intense high school relationships can get. I sometimes feel like she hates me."

"What?" I looked at him. "Why would she hate you?" Why would anybody hate Nicolas Young?

"I don't know. I've been a little... Erratic this year."

"What, like you've been out partying?"

He gave another nervous laugh, but it felt unfamiliar this time. "No, no. Nothing exciting. But, Jackie's just had to put up with a lot. I wouldn't blame her if she wanted nothing to do with me anymore."

I drew in a breath and met his eyes. "I'm not a relationship expert or anything, but I do know that there's gotta be support. And if Jackie can't support you through whatever you have going on, things are bound to end up poorly. Honestly, maybe this break will do some good."

Nico shrugged before returning his gaze to his tea. "It'll be fine. I mean, it's only three months. What can go wrong in three months?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Everything will be fine."


Hello!!! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you would like to further support me, I am currently working on a new story- Overcast- which is a GXG love story as well as a mystery  set in high school. Also, I made a little character aesthetic for Lilli!

 Also, I made a little character aesthetic for Lilli!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
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