Chapter 13.. The End

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Im sorry I just can't continue this book without him. I grew up watching techno, he didn't deserve to pass so young. He had so much ahead of him but life is just too short to let days go by like it's nothing. Be grateful for what you have and the life your living because life is too short to be sad. Don't be sad that Alex is gone, but be happy about when it lasted and how hes in a better place now and won't be suffering any longer..

(Y/n pov)

I'm sat on me and technos bed reading books with the dogs surrounding the bed, waiting for techno to come back from this 'trip'

Next thing i know the door opens and I hear scratching on the ground "don't drag your sword against the floor, you'll ruin my flooring again" I yell at who I thought was techno

"Y/n techno is gone.." philza crys "what do you mean? Technoblade never dies" I answer.

"Y/n techno was sick for a long time but didn't want to tell you and you be worried.." Phil starts. "He was with me but he just couldn't bare it anymore and that I told him that he didn't have to fight anymore and when he's ready that he should just rest"

"That's not true- please tell me your joking!" I begin to cry. "He's in a better place y/n I know its hard but I know he wouldn't want you to be sad. But happy that it lasted, now come with me as we have a funeral. At his potato patch."

I soon get up and walk with Phil to the potato patch not very far from my cottage. When we get there I already see our friends standing next to this fancy casket. Phil opens it and I sob looking at his face for the last time.

I kiss him on the cheek but then phil closes the casket and ranboo,phil, tommy and tubbo lift it into the grave right next to the potato patch.

As tommy and tubbo start putting the dirt over him phil starts to speak

"Technoblade never dies, the body may not be here with us but the soul and name will always linger, he would come here everyday to water the potato's so it's only right for him to be here. As y/n will now come here everyday to water them, she will be reminded of all the fun they had together. He may not be here anymore but he will be looking down on us every second. Even though we don't know what happens after death, I'd like to believe that people have a choice, to look down on us or to be reincarnated into an animal and live a life of searching for a loved one."

Everyone has starts to cry..

"But we must not find this as a sad day, but a day to celebrate such an icon's life and how we were lucky to be there with him as he grew and became wise. Dying so young is missing out on such a big part of life, but being able to live the most fun parts. So that is why I think that we can all go back to out Houses tonight with a smile, about how we were friends with such a good person"

Everyone starts to put flowers and small gifts on technos grave, since I was unaware I had nothing, so I took off my crown he gave me and placed it on his grave stone.

Gone but never forgotten
Partner to y/n
Father to wolves

We all end up walking home, I sit on my doorstep looking up at the sunset, "you look beautiful darling.. like always"

I walk inside and let my dogs on my bed ad I lay on technos side. I hear little howls as I see a small puppy in novas grasp.

"A miracle, I'll have to call you Alex." Alex was technos real name, I knew that since we were kids but he said it wasn't cool enough. "Alex the blade.."

Alex howls with excitement.

"Welcome home Alex.."

Alex is gone but will never be forgotten.. rip, you were my childhood and a best friend yo me even if you didn't know it. Everyone will miss you, even the people who dont watch dsmp anymore, like me..

Rest in piece you absolute legend
🕊 🕊 🕊

Words: 751

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