01. morgan

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Hailey and I have been friends since second grade. I saw her on the swings and I asked if I could have a turn. We turned it into a game where whoever got the swing the highest in 3 minutes got to have an extra 2 minutes on the swing. This is how we became friends.

Fast forward to eleventh grade now and we're still going strong. I go to Hailey's house for a sleepover every Friday after school, and then we go to my house for another sleepover on Saturday at 5PM.

Hailey's parents are the sweetest. They treat me like I am their third child and never hesitate to let me eat their snacks. Every Friday when I'm over for a sleepover, they make me my favourite meal: spaghetti with rosé sauce and lots of parmesan. They always wonder how I'm not sick of it yet and if I'm being honest with myself, I am not sure either.

Everything about our friendship is perfect. We've never gotten into any real fights, most of them are just small ones that we get over pretty quickly, our parents get along perfectly, and we do everything together. I even go to her lake house with her for the whole summer!

The only problem is her brother Matthew. I have had the biggest crush on him for as long as I can remember. He's a year older than us and he has brown eyes with matching brown fluffy hair.

Hailey kind of knows about this crush though. I can't really tell if she thinks I'm serious about it or just crushing a bit, but she doesn't really like it. Every time I hang out with her and Matthew steals my attention, she would get kind of jealous, which, I don't blame her. Matthew usually goes back to his usual things after she yells at him and I feel a bit upset for a few minutes before getting over it.

Today is Wednesday and me and Hailey are preparing for our History project.

"Should I say this instead?" Hailey asks, tapping on her keyboard.

"Yeah, I think that's perfect." I respond.

Hailey continues to type as I search up more sources for the project. I start to get thirsty and tell her I'm going downstairs to get a glass of water.

As I head downstairs, I notice Matthew with a girl I've never seen before on the couch, they are making out.

"Oh shoot, sorry Morgan. I didn't know you and Hailey were home yet." He says, standing up.

"That's fine, sorry for walking in" I say as I laugh awkwardly. My heart breaks a bit at the sight of him with another girl.

"Who's that?" The random girl says.

"Oh that's Morgan, she's just my sisters friend."

My heart breaks even more. I know he doesn't need to feel the same way and he doesn't even know I like him, it still kind of hurts though that I'm just his sisters friend. I'm over all the time.
The girl leaves pretty quickly and Matthew apologizes again. I tell him it's fine and he taps my shoulder before walking past me and heading upstairs.

I open the door to Hailey's room and she finishes the sentence she's writing before she looks at me.

"Weren't you getting water?"

"Weren't you getting water?"

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