21. morgan

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We spent the last few days relaxing, clearing our heads and taking a break from our week that was about to become crazier.

It was Matthew's birthday.

Matthew turned 18 today. It was weird cause he sounded like much more of an adult than Hailey and me. I'm 16, but I'm only a year younger than Matthew since I have a late birthday in October. Matthew said he didn't want a party, however Hailey and Luka were in the process of planning him a surprise party.

When I woke up, I opened up my luggage to see if it was still there. I saw the white box wrapped in a dark green bow. I got ready quickly. I put on my outfit for the day, with a light pink bikini under it, before grabbing the box and heading downstairs. Everybody was already down there. The boys were there as well, around the table with empty plates.

"There you are, we were waiting for you." Luka said, making an annoyed face.

"You'll survive. I'm here now, aren't I?" I reply, pushing his shoulder teasingly moving his arm he was resting on off the table.

Ms. Graham walks over to us, putting bacon and eggs onto everyone's plates.

"Thank you!" I say to her and she gives me a warm smile, "Happy birthday Matthew." I say.

"Thanks, Morgan." I hand him my gift and he opens it. It was a gold thin chain necklace. He put it on immediately.

"Dude, we have to go to the inflatable water park today." Leo suggests.

"Isn't that meant for kids?" Matthew asks, slightly confused.

The boys grin at him. I look at Hailey, confused. She looks at me like she has no idea what's going on either.

When we finish breakfast, Luka rushes us out the lake house and into his car. We drive for a while before we go to Alexis's lake house. I put the window down to hear their conversation.

"Lexi, do you have your swimsuit on?" He asks.

"Yeah?" She replies, looking at the car, confused.

"Okay, come on."

She follows him without hesitating, even though she has no idea what's going on. Luka does the same at all the other girls lake houses. Nobody seems to know where we're going. We drive for about twenty minutes before pulling into a driveway. Luka walks up to the front desk. I follow him.

"Reservation for Oliver Taylor" Luka says.

"Oliver Taylor?" I look at him.

"It's under my dad's name."

The employees give us all life jackets and we walk to the lake, staring at the massive inflatable water park in front of us.

"Race you guys to the end." Colton yells, before sprinting into the lake.

My inner child comes out when everyone jumps in the water, swimming as fast as they can to the inflatables. I climb on and sprint. When Hailey catches up to me, I push her into the lake. I mean I felt kind of bad in the moment, but I needed to win this race. When Leo catches up to me he shoves me, and I almost fall into the lake before I tackle him, sliding us both across the inflatables, causing us both to win the race.

When Hailey catches up, finishing last in the race, she grins at me before pushing me into the lake. I wipe my hair out of my face before I climb back up, laughing.

"To be fair, you deserved that." She said.

"Yeah, you're right." I reply, catching my breath.

She helps me up and we climb up to a cliff. She grabs my hand before counting down. She didn't even get to finish cause Leo pushed us off. When we get the water out of our eyes, I see him in the lake beside me.

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