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Rosa's POV I never given much thought to how I'd die

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Rosa's POV
I never given much thought to how I'd die..... but dying in the place of someone I love? That seems like a pretty good way to I can't bring myself to regret all the decisions that led me here. To my death bed. Because it also led me to them, and it also brought me something that I never knew I wanted.

The first decision that was made to bring me this beautiful life, that led to my tragic end. Was the decision to leave Phoenix, Arizona and return home to Forks, Washington.

I was helping my stepfather, Phil Dwyer, pack up our old station wagon with mine and Bella's suitcases. "I'm going to get the last three suitcases from inside, okay?" Phil suddenly asks making me nod "Sure thing" I watched as he went inside and casually lit up a cigarette. I inhaled then exhaled the cancer stick casually and leaned against the car. My family knew that I smoked so it wasn't a big deal if they caught me, though they did disapprove of it.

I watch my twin do her dramatic main character thing in the desert next to our house. Eyes closed against the sunlight, absorbing its rays. Long, dark hair frames alabaster skin. She's a vulnerable, introverted, imperfect beauty.

But it's not enough for her.

I see it all the time with her. Bella isn't pretty enough, or sexy enough. Her fear of being imperfect and aging led her to be such a bitch to deal with as we grew up. As children we were each other's best friends and sole confidants we were as close as Siamese twins....but now our relationship is strained.

When we turned 11 and started going through puberty, Bella started to become jealous of me. I didn't break out as bad as she did and shaving didn't leave so many cuts on me while our mother taught us. But the biggest problem was our womanly figures. I took after the Swan side of our family and filled out a nice hourglass like figure while keeping the petiteness of my Higginbotham heritage. I had also gotten decent sized breasts for my body type.

Whereas Bella didn't get any curves or an ass, and barely got breasts. Her 28A cup versus my 34B cup was quite noticeable. She inherited the Swan taller height at 5'5 and kept the Higginbotham lack of curves.

There was nothing wrong with that in mine and Renee's eyes, but Bella stressed out over it so much. I once caught her looking for plastic surgeons on the family computer and calculating a full body surgery. There's nothing wrong with plastic surgery, if you needed it, but Bella wanted to overdo it. I just didn't understand why she listened to society's vision of a perfect woman and couldn't be happy with herself.

'She'd be so much more attractive if she cut loose and didn't act like a snobby bitch 24/7' I thought as I sighed and continued smoking my cigarette. I never hid my flaws like Bella tried to. I was always open about who I was. Another thing that pissed Bella off about me.

Lately though it seems to be getting worse. Which is why I suggested a change in scenery, so here we are moving to Washington to stay with our dad while our mom and stepdad travel.

I continued watching as Bella stands at the end of a cul-de-sac on the desert's edge. The sun blazes behind her, she bends down and carefully scoops a tiny barrel cactus into a clay pot. She stares at the cactus in a state of reverie, until "Bye, Bella! Bye Rosa!" Our blonde neighbor across the street yells out.

I look up to see three tanned, athletic, blonde girls hop into a convertible Mercedes. Their flawless, bought-and-paid for beauty contrasts with my own tan and Bella's pale naturalness. They wave "Good luck at your new school!" Another calls out. They continue their superficial good wishes, "Don't forget to writes" and "We'll miss yous" Bella waves back, sweetly, and I do as well but halfheartedly as I don't particularly care about girls who didn't want to acknowledge us when we were here.

I look up as she steps off the curb "Have a good.." Bella starts but trips making cringe as I resist the urge to help her. "I don't need your help, stupid slut!" Bella's harsh words echo through my head. When she rights herself, they're already gone "... life."

Clearly, not close friends. Bella's envious and insecure personality preventing her from forming and keeping close bonds. Whereas my grown-up demeanor and innate intelligence prevent me from making friends with my immature peers, it becomes more apparent as our mother, Renee, exits our house. It's low rent for this ritzy neighborhood. Renee is eclectic, scattered, anxious, more best friend than parent. She thrusts a cell phone at me "It won't work again" she whines and pouts like a toddler "You put it on hold" I tell her "I did?" She asks wide eyed.

Bella comes over and says "Look. You also called Mexico" Renee pushes her playfully, and they laugh as I fix Renee's phone for her. If you haven't noticed, we aren't close. Bella, the momma's girl, was Renee's favorite whereas I preferred my dad. My only problem is that Renee didn't even bother to hide it like our dad did. Bella was her sweet, fragile, golden child that could do no wrong. Ever.

"I'll figure it out. You gotta be able to reach me and Phil on the road - I love saying that - on the road~!" Renee says completely ignoring me now as I slipped her phone into her purse "Very romantic" Bella smiles agreeing. Phil exits the house, carrying the last of Bella's three suitcases with ease "If you call crappy motels, backwater towns and ballpark hot dogs romantic" he chimes in jokingly and sets the suitcases next to the car.

He puts his Phoenix Desert Dogs baseball hat on Renee's head with a kiss. Phil's love of Renee reassures Bella. I start to load the last of the suitcases into the station wagon making Phil playfully argue with me about it "Hey! That's a man's job! A lady should go sit in the car!" He says teasingly. I straighten up and say "Well you better get in the car, sweetheart!" I tease back before looking around as if I'm searching for something. I then turn back to look at Phil and in mock offense ask "And who are you calling a lady?!" We both share a laugh before I allow Phil to put in the last suitcase.

I walk to the side of the car only to see Renee slip her arm through Bella's, clinging to her as they stand next to car "Now, you know if you change your mind, I'll race back here from wherever the game is" but Renee's strained expression tells both of us what a great sacrifice that would be. Bella forces a smile "I won't change my mind, mom" "You might. You've always hated Forks" Renee argues "It's not about Forks, it's about Charlie. I mean, two weeks a year, we barely know each other!"

I just managed to hold back a snort. 'The reason you barely know him is because you dropped all contact with him when we were 11 and you can't be bothered to pick up a goddamn phone!' I think haughtily. I bite my tongue and turn around. I go to the other side of the car and get in behind Phil who's in the driver's seat.

Bella, struggling to keep her facade up as she climbs into the back seat of the car and sits behind Renee, who's now in the passenger seat. Phil then pulls out and we start our journey to the airport.

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