Chapter 08

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Rosa's POVWhy do I even bother with these children?

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Rosa's POV
Why do I even bother with these children?

I was helping Emily with breakfast for the boys when Jared and Embry showed up......with Bella. I was absolutely pissed.

I grabbed her by her arm and dragged her outside "Oh shit! The Luna's mad! The Luna is mad!" Embry and Jared jeered while Emily looked concerned. I threw her onto the ground "Are you fucking kidding me Isabella?!" I yelled as she scrambled to get up. She scowled at me "Listen you bitch-" she started but I cut her off "No you listen you selfish, spoiled brat! You don't belong in this world!"

She scoffed "Oh, and you do?" Making me flower at her.

A dead look entered my eyes and I grabbed her by her shirt collar and lifted her to my face. My hand wrapped around her throat. She stared at me shocked and wide eyed because no matter what she said or did I almost never put my hands on her. The first time I did was after the baseball game. And now as I stared into her eyes with an unreadable expression she slowly realized that I wasn't going to play nice with her anymore.

"Listen to me you fucking leach's blood bag whore!" I growled her eyes widened in shock "You don't belong in our world. You NEVER did! I was born into it just like everyone else here! You on the other hand are nothing more then some pixie stick vampire's bloodsinger that he should've just killed and drained like a normal vampire, but instead he chose to keep you as a pet!" She stared at me in shock with wide eyes wondering how I could possibly know all of this.

"What? Did you think that you were born to be a vampire? Born for the supernatural? Please" I scoffed before dropping her on the ground just as Sam, Paul, and Jake walked up. They looked at me in shock because as the shaman I typically keep a level head, but with old short tempered self wanted nothing more than to beat her ass for getting mixed up with vampires.

I looked up at Jake and said in a stern voice "We need to talk, now" he gulped and followed me around the back of the house. I glare at him and say "This is your mess, and you have to take care of it" he kept his head bowed submissively "Yes ma'am" he mumbles. I take a few deep breath's "She'll want answers. You can tell her about the wolves and our relationship with the Cullens and vampires, but shamans and imprints are off limits, am I clear?" He nodded and said "Yes ma'am" I grabbed his chin and made him look into my eyes "She's not one of us, and she never will be. She's not your imprint, so stop give her special treatment" he nodded "Yes ma'am.....I'm sorry Luna."

My face remained hard "So am I Jacob. You just put us all at risk" I then walked away and Jake pulled Bella to the side. His head was still bowed in shame, and I could see that his tail was tucked between his legs. I looked at Sam and said "I'm going to Uncle's. I have a bad feeling about Bella and I'm going to talk to the spirits" he nodded as I walked off.

Uncle Quil set up a room for me at his house and I went straight there.

I closed my eyes and meditated, but when I opened them again I came face to face with a familiar friend

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I closed my eyes and meditated, but when I opened them again I came face to face with a familiar friend. I smiled and said "Hi Grandma" Grandma Helen smiled back and said "Hello baby."


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A few days later I was cooking dinner for dad, Bella, and I

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A few days later I was cooking dinner for dad, Bella, and I. Jake had taken Bella cliff jumping to distract her while Sam and the other's hunted the red haired leach.

I hummed s tune as I went about the kitchen. I turned around and jolted when I saw Alice. My face hardened "What are you doing here?" She suddenly threw her arms around me "Rosa! I'm so sorry!" I shoved her off and scowled "Get out! You aren't welcome here!" I snapped feeling my power surge. Alice only looked at me in grief.

"Rosa...I'm so sorry for your loss. I came back to help you and Charlie with anything that you need" Alice said. I stared at her "What are you talking about? What loss?" Alice blinked "Bella's dead....isn't she?" I look at her as if she grew two heads. "Bella's not dead! She went cliff jumping with Jacob. They'll be here in 15 minutes, which is why you need to leave" Alice blinked "But...why did you drop contact with us?" I glared at her.

"Because I found out the truth" I snapped stepping closer. Alice looked confused "The truth? Rosa, what-" "I know Alice. About vampires, about shifters, everything!" Her eyes widened "Rosa- wait! Please! We meant to tell you—" she stammered "I don't care! Just get the fuck out!" I started shoving her towards the door.

Only for said door to swing open and for Bella to leap through "Alice!" She jumped into the pixie's arms. Followed by an annoyed and anxious Jacob.

I threw my hands up and rolled my eyes before heading back to the kitchen. I finished making dinner and started setting up the table and making plates when the phone went off "Jake, honey, could you get that for me?" I called "Yes, ma'am!" He replied and did "Swan residence?" He goes quiet before frowning "I'm sorry. He's not here right now" Jake suddenly pulls the phone away and says "It's Doc Vamp. He's asking about Charlie" I frowned and said "Make yourself a plate, yeah?" He nods as I walk over and grab the phone.

"Carlisle could you please come get your daughter and stay away from my father?" I said in a bored tone as I picked my nails. "Rosa.... I need to talk to Charlie, please" I frowned and turned away "Edward? What are you-?" "Where's your father, Rosa please" Edward begged. I sighed "Charlie's investigating a string of mysterious deaths caused by your red haired friend" I suddenly hear the dial tone.

I pulled the phone away confused before setting it down. Alice suddenly burst into the kitchen "We need to go! Now!" I barely managed to pack a bag and write dad a note before being dragged off with two psychopaths.

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